Chapter 8

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"Cadets! Your best salutes." This was one of the few times that we, as the lowest ranking people here, got to see the Cadet Master salute alongside us. It was slightly unsettling because it proves just how important the General is. As he came closer, we noticed someone hobbling along behind him. Cassi Lunkorc. Her eyes were red as if she hadn't slept, or had been crying, her ankle was in a supportive boot and every movement caused her to flinch.

"At ease." The General commanded. He turned to the limping girl that had just arrived next to him. "Cas. Go sit down or something. You'll make it worse." Cas? What? Since when did someone like the General use little nicknames like that? Oh yeah, Lunkorc was his daughter. That made a little sense. I thought that the relationship between them wouldn't change anything but, maybe I was wrong. He cared and tried to stop her. But, she just shook her head and carried on walking towards the climbing wall. "Cas!" She paid no attention. What was she doing? She couldn't just brush him off like that. That wasn't how these things worked. "Cassi!" I looked over. The General was clearly annoyed at his child's disobedience. There was still no reply, she just kept on walking away. "Lunkorc!" She stopped in her tracks. The second he used their surname instead of her first name, it changed from a father telling his daughter to do something to the General commanding a soldier. Slowly, she turned back to face him, a look of fear, mixed with pain, spread across her face. "Go sit down. Now!"

She shook her head. She was disobeying an order. Was she out of her mind? "No. If I sit around and do nothing, it isn't going to get stronger. You would do the same thing. I'm not going to put any sort of pressure on it. I know you're worried but I can't stop training." The General sighed as she strapped herself into a harness and began climbing the wall using only her arm strength. This just proved that this girl was mental. She's been given the chance to have time out of training yet she doesn't take it. I would have taken it in a heartbeat.

"An sign of an irreplaceable soldier." The Cadet Master whispered. The General hummed in agreement. "Back to work, Cadets." I spun around quickly and bent down to carry on with my work. I wasn't going to get on anyone's bad side, both adults here seemed to be in foul moods. I ignored everything that was going on around me. The General stayed around for a while and chatted to the Cadet Master. Only heard part of what he was saying but it sounded like they were talking about which cadets were doing particularly well. I heard my name mentioned. I was doing well? Surely not. That couldn't be right. I was definitely surprised at that one. I stopped for a short moment to process it. It really didn't sink in. How was I doing well? There wasn't another Mitch was there, right? Seriously? Me? The geeky choir nerd who hated all physical activities? I was so sure that they were wrong that I didn't hear them also mentioning Scott and Kirstie. I was trying to work out how in the entire universe that they could mean me. I realised that I had been working this out far too long so immediately bent back down to work. We were doing a very high intensity work out: push ups, burpees, planks, sit ups, pull ups, wall sits, laps of the compound, you name it. Before I came here, I often skived off sports. In fact, every lesson, I would find some reason to not do it. Luckily for me, Scott, Kirstie and I were often allowed to practice during the Physical Education lessons. If that didn't happen, I just said I was ill or something like that. But, since coming here, that changed; I actually started to thrive off of it. The sports made me buzz with energy and that was a good feeling. It wasn't as much as when I was performing but it was still nice. This institution was already changing me and I had only been there two days. That was weird.

"Cadets. Take a five minute break. Then get ready for the climbing and assault courses." The General commanded. As I stood back up, I noticed that the Cadet Master was nowhere to be seen. He must have gone part way through the session and left the General in charge instead. Why? I wasn't meant to question it, he must of had his reasons. I also saw a certain girl stood in the corner watching us. Lunkorc had rejoined us. Her face was beetroot red and she was panting hard, she mustn't have gotten off the wall until very recently. Cassi lent on her good leg and kept the other one outstretched. It looked painful.

We all had places to sit around the edge of the compound. But she didn't and she was the one who needed it. I went up to her, "Um. Solider Lunkorc." She looked up but didn't answer. I could see that she was gritting her teeth. "Do you want to take my seat instead? You look like you need it. " I gestured towards where there was a spare space.

"Thank you, Cadet. " She walked off, still limping badly. She's an idiot for carrying on. I grabbed a drink from over the fence and drowned half of it in one go. The rest of the bottle went splashing over my head and soaked into my shirt. I shook some of the excess water from my hair, attempting to not mess it up even more but ultimately failing to do so. Where were the other two? I looked around. And walked over to where Scott and Kirstie were sat, happily chatting away.

Hey! Sorry that this has taken a little while longer than usual. Happy Valentines Day! Comment if you got to spend the day with a special someone or, if you're like me and spent the day as a single pringle!

Please, Please give me some feedback on this because I'm not sure how to carry it on. I have about another chapter written out but I'm not sure where I'm going after that. I also want to know whether or not you're enjoying it or whether it's getting too long winded or boring. Thanks guys and have a brilliant day!

FA <3

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