Chapter 16

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Ariana's view

"Maybe we should take Gordie back?"Chris mumbled. Gordie was sitting up against the door, the rest of us together off to to the left of him a little ways.

"Great, Chambers. Now you're turning pussy too,"Teddy scoffed, glaring at Chris.

"What's your problem, Duchamp? He had a leech hanging from his balls and he fainted. I agree with Chris,"I stuck up for Chris, stepping forwards from Chris a little.

"What are you guys? His parents?"Gabby claimed, stretching out her arms. I didn't recognize the tone in her voice, but if she wanted to play evil, i could too.

"Eat shit, Gabby,"I hissed.

"You eat shit,"Gabby hissed back, pushing me. My feet stepped back, causing me to bump into Chris. Gabby and Teddy were in front of us, Vern off to the side, and it was just me and Chris on this side. It reminded of a full blown war, the different sides. Except we weren't killing each other.

"Don't touch her again, Anderson!"Chris snapped, getting in front of me.

"Don't yell at her, Chambers!"Teddy snapped back, stepping in front of Gabby, pushing Chris back into me. Chris went to push him back , but Vern pushed him back into his spot.

"Hey, stop. I think they're right, Teddy. We should take him back,"Vern suggested.

"Oh what a surprise. The king of pussies wants to go back too."

"Don't call me that,"Vern said in between clenched teeth.

"What? Pussy?"Teddy scoffed.

"I said don't call me that."

"Pussy, pussy, pussy!"

"You four-eyed psycho!"Vern snapped, tackling him to the ground, punching him in the shoulder saying "Do you like that? Two for flinching".

"Guys, cut it out!"Chris shouted, trying to pry them apart, but Vern wasn't stopping.

"Teddy, this is your fault!"I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Shut up, Ariana,"Gabby snapped. I turned my head and she was glaring at me.

"What is with you, Gabby. Earlier, we were buddies. But now..your just being a stuck up bitch!"

"Excuse me!"She growled.

"You heard me, Gabby! That's exactly what your being, right now!" While we were now fighting, so was Chris and Teddy, and Vern was trying to break them up.

"That's it!"Gabby snapped, charging towards me. I moved to the side, making her fall onto the ground. I turned and she glared at me.

"Oops. I guess i didn't see you coming. My bad,"I fake gasped, sending her a smirk after. She growled, then stood back up and threw me up against the tree. I ducked as she smashed her hand into the bark. As i moved, she pushed her foot out, making me trip over onto my stomach. I turned as she glared at me. She went to slap me, but was interrupted.

"STOP IT!" We all stopped what we were doing, then turned to see Gordie glaring at all of us. "I'm not going back." Then he grabbed his stuff, walking off back through the woods. I averted my eyes from him, then looked up at Gabby. She scoffed, then walked over to her stuff and grabbed it, dragging Teddy along with her. I then stood back up, brushing my knees off as Chris ran over to me. He gasped, looking down at my knee.

"Your bleeding!"

I looked down and shrugged. "Whatever. I don't know what's going on with Gabby, but it needs to stop now."

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