Chapter 2

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Chris and Teddy moved their gaze from their cards to Vern. Ariana and Gordie exchanged a glance, then turned to him as well.

"Well I was under the porch, digging, you know.."

We all understood what Vern meant right away. At the beginning of the school-year he had buried a quart-jar of pennies underneath his house. He drew a treasuremap, so he could find them again. A week later his mom cleaned out his room and threw away the map. Vern had been trying to find those pennies for nine months. Nine months, man. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

We had all followed the Ray Brower-story very closely because he was a kid our age. Three days before he had gone out to pick blueberries and nobody had seen him since.

"Last time i checked, the Back Harlow Road was by the Royal River. Ends there. That's where the train tracks are,"Teddy announced, glancing back and forth at all of them

"Jesus Christ, Verno, If they woulda known you were under there, they woulda killed you,"Chris breathed out, fixing his white shirt.

"Could he have gotten all the way from Chamberlain to Harlow? It's really far,"Gordie announced, rubbing her chin.

"He most likely traveled along the tracks the whole time,"Chris claimed.

"And then when the train came along at night-"El Smacko."Teddy said, clapping his hands together, fixing his glasses afterwards.

"Wait, guys, if we do this, we might get our names in the paper!"Ariana gasped, sitting up straighter.

"Yeah and we could even be on TV! We'll be heroes!"Teddy shouted, putting his fist in the air.

"Yeah!"Chris did the same.

"But if we do, Billy will know where i found this info.."Vern said nervously.

"He's not gonna care. Because we are gonna find him. Not Billy and Charley Hogan in a boosted car,"Ariana pointed out,

"Most likely, they'd pin a medal on you, Verno,"Gordie stated, sitting forwards from on the couch next to Ariana.

"But what will we tell our folks?"Vern continued.

"Exactly what you said. We all tell our folks we're tenting out on your backfield. You tell your folks you're sleeping over Teddy's. Then we'll say we're going out to the drag-races the next day. Rock solid until dinner tomorrow night,"Ariana explained.

"That's a plan and a half, Ari,"Chris high-fived her, making her smile. Teddy sighed, placing his head in his hands, leaning forwards. He knew Ariana liked Chris and he liked her, but he still couldn't stop his feelings for her. So he decided to suck it up and act as if he didn't like her, by being rude. Actually, he did that to start with.

"But if we get the body down in South Harlow, they'll know we didn't go to the drag races and we'll all get hided.."Vern pouted.

"Ace will hide me either way, but damn. It's worth a hiding!"Ariana replied, shrugging. Chris had looked over at her after that, sorrow written on his face. He was usually always hided, but for him to hear that Ariana hurt him.

"Shit, yeah! What do you guys say?"Teddy said, looking around at them.

"I don't know.."Vern dragged out, looking at the ground. Ariana, Teddy, and Chris stared at each other for a few moments then smirked over at Vern.

"Vern!"Chris pleaded.

"Come on, Verno!"Teddy exclaimed.

"Veeerrrrnnnn!"Ariana and Chris dragged out, tackling him over onto the ground. Teddy joined in. Chris gave him a noogie, Ariana tickled his neck, Teddy squeezed his cheeks.

"Okay, okay. Just get off me you retards!"Vern gasped, laughing at Ariana's touch. They pulled back and cheered.

"Yeah! Too cool! Very cool! Too cool!"Teddy exclaimed, pumping his fists in the air.

I wanted to share my friends enthusiasm, but i couldn't. That summer, at home, i had become the invisible boy. I remember asking my mom where my canteen was..and she ignored me. My father told me it was in my older brother's room. In April, he had been killed in a jeep accident. Four months had passed..yet my parents still weren't able to put the pieces back together again. I remember my father asking me why i couldn't have friends like Denny's. I told him that they were okay, and he responded with "A thief, a drugie, and two feebs?" I told him that Chris and Ariana weren't like that. He said "Chris stole the milk money at school, he's a thief. Ariana's father is a drunk and she was bound to end up just like him. I told him she wasn't like her father at all and he told me that i should just wait and see.

~The next day~

Ariana exited her house quietly, jogging down the side walk, heading to Chris's house to walk with him since they lived right next to each other. Meanwhile, Chris was driving behind her in the back of a truck.

"Ariana!"He called, moving himself so she could see him better. Ariana turned around and tilted her head with disgust on her face.

"Ew, it's Chris Chambers,"Ariana gagged. Chris shook his head with his eyes squinted. She giggled and he reached his hand out for her. She took it and he pulled her up into the truck.

"You excited?"He asked as she took a seat on the blanket next to him.

"To see a dead kid? Not really. But to be famous? Hell yeah!"She giggled and he grinned.

The truck driver drove around the corner towards the Blue Point Diner. And there they saw Gordie walking down the sidewalk, his travel bag around his shoulder.

"Right here's fine,"Chris called to the driver. He stopped the truck and the two hopped out.

"Thank you!"Ariana cheered to the driver. He waved to them before driving off.

"Hey, guys,"Gordie said softly.

"Hey, Gordoe,"Ariana smiled, nudging his shoulder.

"Oh, guys, you wanna see something?"Chris suddenly asked. The two turned to him.


Chris then turned the corner to the back of the Blue Point Diner, Gordie and Ariana following in suit. Gordie asked about five times as to where they were going. Chris didn't respond.

"What is it, Chris?"Gordie asked, getting aggravated that Chris wasn't answering him.

Chris then reached into his bag, pulling out a pistol. "You guys wanna be the Lone Rangers or the Cisco-kids?"

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