Chapter 6

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"You go, Verno. You can pick us up on the way back,"Teddy laughed, moving his legs so he was sitting criss cross.

"No, man. We're all going. I'm not going alone,"Vern chickened out.

The whole gang disagreed, saying they weren't going either.

"Girls cool it. We'll flip for it. Whoever gets odds out, goes,"Chris said. They all agreed, stating that that was fair enough. Gordie then pulled out 5 coins and handed them out to the gang.

They all flipped and had tails. Vern gasped.

"Oh man. I don't like this, sincerely. That's a goocher,"He stated, sending looks of horror at the gang. 

"Come on man, that don't mean anything,"Chris said, shaking his head.

"Flip again,"Gordie said, placing the coin back in his hand.

"No, guys, a goocher. It's bad, guys. Clint Bracken and those guys. They got wiped out on Weed Hill in Durham. Billy told me they were flippin' for beers, and they came up with a goocher just before they got into the car. And shabam! They all got totaled!"Vern stated, shivering with fright.

"Verno, nobody believes that shit about moons and goochers. It's baby stuff,"Teddy scoffed, grabbing his coin. "Now flip again."

They flipped, all of theirs landing on heads but Gordie's.

"Gordie! Odd man goes! Gordie just screwed the pooch,"Teddy laughed this weird, annoying laugh. Ariana rolled her eyes playfully.

"Does the word "retarted" mean anything to you?"Gordie asked, standing up from his spot on the ground.

"Go get the food, you morphadite,"Teddy scoffed, sending him a weird smile.

"Don't call me any of your mothers pet names, man,"Gordie hissed, brushing his pants off.

"What a wet end you are, Lachance,"Teddy laughed. 

"Shut up!"Gordie said, spinning around to give him a nasty look.

"I don't shut up,"Teddy said, then Ariana, Chris, and Vern moved over closer.

"I grow up, and when i look at you, i throw up. Bleehhh!"They all sang, then pointed at each others mouths to show throwing up.

"And then your mothers go around the corner and lick it up,"Gordie fired back.

"Ohhh,"The gang oohed, tackling each other on the ground. They were still kids in their heart, no matter how old they actually were.

Finding new, and preferably disgusting ways to degrade a friends mother, was always held in high regard.

Gordie walked off, heading over to Quidachioluo's.

"What time does Milo and Chopper get here again?"Ariana questioned after about ten minutes of talking about random things.

"3:00. Why?"Teddy asked, his eyebrow arched. Ariana turned her head over to the side just as a truck pulled up, the one and only Milo Pressman inside. That means Chopper was in there.

"It's 3:00,"She stated, her eyes widened. The others turned to see, then gasped.

"Shit, let's go,"Chris whispered, standing up. Teddy and Vern ran for it, causing more noise then what they were already causing. She gasped as Milo turned his head in their direction, but before he could see her, Chris tackled her to the ground. Ariana stared up at him as he was on top, his hands down beside her head. Chris swallowed a little, his cheeks heating up. He didn't mean to do that, he just didn't want her to be seen. Then Chopper woulda sicked her. As Teddy climbed over the fence, he turned to see Chris on top of Ariana. What the hell, he thought. His face fell as Ariana smiled at him a little, one of those nervous smiles. That's when he knew she liked Chris..and not him.

Milo finally turned back, thinking he had been seeing things. Chris's cheeks were now a bright red, causing Ariana to blush as well. Then they stood up, getting ready to run back. But before they could, they heard Vern shout"Milo! Around the corner!"

Ariana and Chris turned their head just as Milo reached forwards, grabbing Ariana's arm. 

"Hey, let go!"She shouted, trying to pull away. She gasped as she saw Chopper, the evil ball sicking dog, running towards them. Chris muttered a cuss word, then pulled Ariana away from Milo.

"Come on!"Teddy and Vern shouted as Ariana and Chris ran faster than they ever had before towards the fence. They started to climb, but that's when Chopper grabbed a hold on Chris's sneaker, trying to pull him back down.

"Chris!"Ariana yelled, grabbing his hand. Chris kicked at the dog, and then finally climbed back up as the dog let go. They got to the other side, Milo and Chopper at the fence now. 

"Couldn't get them, Chopper! Ha-ha-haha-ha,"Vern teased, making faces at the dog. Ariana gasped, bitting her lip as she saw Gordie far behind Milo, on the other side of the fence. She didn't know what to do. He had no other way over. Chopper would sic him in an instant.

"Chris.."Ariana mumbled over Teddy and Milo's argument. Chris looked over at her and nodded. Ariana nudged her head to the distance, and he turned his head. He gasped seeing Gordie as well.

"Well, shit.."

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