Chapter 12

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Teddy's view

"Man, that was some train dodge. You was so scared, Vern. You shoulda seen your face,"I laughed. We were all now sitting around the camp-fire, just talking about what happened on the train tracks.

"I wasn't that scared, sincerely,"Vern defended, looking at the ground.

"Okay. So i guess you don't mind if we check your Jockeys for Hershey squirts?"Gordie smirked. Vern just rolled his eyes.

Ariana and Chris hadn't talked once since he blew up back at the train tracks. It was getting really awkward between them. During the day, me and Gabriella had talked more. She's actually pretty great. Never thought i'd say this, but..i think i kinda like her. I know i just met her, but i just feel this weird connection with her that i don't think i could feel with anyone else, even with Ariana. I still like her too, don't get me wrong, but i'm gonna block those out since i know her and Chris like each other.

"Dang, i dropped my hamburger. Gordie, you got anymore?"Vern exclaimed. Gordie and everyone else laughed.

"No, sorry Vern."

"Great, now what am i supposed to eat?"Vern said, throwing his hands up in the air, trying to get the hamburger out.

"Cook your dick,"I smirked.

"Be a small meal,"Chris added. Everyone burst out into laughter, except for Vern. I saw Chris smile at Ariana a little as she giggled, but then she looked down. Guess she wasn't gonna forgive him yet.

"Aha, screw you guys, i got it,"Vern laughed as he got the hamburger out of the pit.

"Hey, Gordie. Can you tell us a story?"Ariana asked, crossing her legs, wrapping the blanket around her shoulders.

"Hey, that rhymed!"Vern chuckled.

"Oh, haha. It did. I should be a poet,"She giggled proudly.

"No, you should be a singer,"Gordie declined. Vern nodded his head in agreement, along with Gabriella. Chris and I exchanged looks.

A singer? That caught me off guard. Ariana sings? Since when?

"What?"She questioned.

"Me and Gordie heard you singing earlier. Your really good. Please sing,"Vern begged.

"I don't know.."

"Come on, Ariana, pleaseeeeee,"Gabriella begged, placing her hands together as if she were praying, leaning forwards onto her knees. I couldn't help but look at her bum, but then i moved my eyes knowing it was wrong.

"Yeah, come on Ariana,"I begged as well, copying Gabriella's actions. Ariana stared at both of us for a few moments, then spoke.


"Yeah! Too cool! Very cool!"The gang exclaimed, except Chris. I turned my head, the same time as Gabriella did. She smiled at me and stuck up her hand. I high-fived her, then she turned. I smiled to myself.

"Her parents never took the young girl to church. Never spoke of his name. Never read her his words. Two non-believers walkin' lost in this world. Took their baby with them, what a sad little girl. Her Daddy drank all day and Mommy did drugs. Never wanted to play, or give kisses and hugs. She'd watch the TV, and sit there on the couch. While her Mom fell asleep, and her Daddy went out. And the drinking and the fighting just got worse every night. Behind their couch she'd be hiding, oh what a sad little life. And like it always does, the bad just got worse. With every slap and every curse. Until her Daddy, in a drunken rage one night. Used a gun on her Mom, and then took his life. 

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