chapter 25- trekking

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hey so I got some nice comments so I decided to update :) I might change the cover for this story but dont get confused ly - kt

The next day we started the trek to find Mabel and King. The arena was a mess. The snow and the desert were gone and were replaced with shallow water, full of dirt and leaves.

The only slight indication of where we were going was the trees in the middle, the forest hadnt moved.

A while after we set off an announcement sounded.

"Hello tributes, another group of trbutes will be put into the are an a this afternoon. Also we thought we'd be kind and tell you that you arw 35 weeks into the games. May the odds be ever in your favour"

65 weeks to go. Thats fun.

To be fair though this games doesnt really feel like a games. Normally the tributes are constantly on edge and at risk. In this games we are not scared pof the other tributes but of the game makers and what they are going to throw in here.

I focused on Jet. He was still sad about that girl but I think he realises theres not much time for mourning in the games. There's people we need to find.

Then he says something, like he read my thoughts. "I just wish I could of said something ou know. Said some words about her, who she was. Because they dont do they. Your just dead. It doesn't matter who you are"

I nod. It is sad to think about all them people dying and no one caring who they are. We nearly reach the woods when we hear a countdown, the new tributes are coming.

"Do you know how badly I wanna go kill some of them" says Jet. I look at him. "Sorry , I just wanna take my anger out on someone"

Then i had a thought. New tributes, means new supplies.

"We could go to their cornucopia to get weapons to replace the ones we lost and get some food" I said.

"Sounds like a plan" said Jet.

100th games, 4 th quarter quell - hunger games fanfic- NOT TO BE CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now