Chapter 14- cold

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Right I have 15 mins before I have to get ready for school so I'm goin to write a chapter :) thanks for reads and comments :) - kt

After the hovercraft had come and taken the girls body away me and king were sat together thinking.

"I'm cold" said kind

"Yeah me too" I said pulling my knees closer into my chest

Then I remembered my rucksack tent.

It took me about 5 mins to assemble it.

"How's that?" I asked

King crawled inside it.

"It's good"


As far as I know there are no other tributes in the snowy part so we should be ok for a while.

Until there are less tributes. then careers will come looking for us.

Suddenly the screen came up in the sky playing the anthem.

All the 3 tributes. a 4. The girl i killed. Some 8's 11's and the whole other family from twelve.

"Why are they in the sky?" Asked king

"Because there not playing the game anymore"

"I don't want to play anymore either"

"Well we can't get out now sorry" I replied sadly.

"King go in the tent and sleep I will guard"

King went in the tent and fell asleep pretty soon. I wasn't really tired. I looked around.


Just snow and emptiness.

I started to feel hungry.

In order to hunt I would have to go back to the woods.

I looked at king behind me sleeping.

I had to.

I started walking.

It was a pretty long walk.

After feeling like i would never reach the woods I saw afew trees.

In one of the trees was a bird.

I pulled my arrow up and shot it. perfectly.

I ran forward knelt down on the floor and grabbed it.

That's when I heard voices.

I turned and ran as fast as. I could back to the tent.

100th games, 4 th quarter quell - hunger games fanfic- NOT TO BE CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now