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Chapter 43

Amber's POV

"No!!!" Autmn screamed.

All of us were staring at Peter's lifeless body.

"Next." Mary cooed "Edmund..."

"No!" Astrid screeched.

She started to shake her head.

"No Blake don't do this!!! Blake don't!"

Blake wasn't paying attention to her. His eyes were glued to Edmunds trembling body.

"No!!!" Astrid screamed once more before Blake plunged the sword into Edmunds chest once.

Then twice.

Then one last time.

"No!" Astrid screamed tears streaming down her tiny face.

Edmund was dead.

Cole's POV

"Ok next.." Mary started again. "Let's kill a girl shall we?"

"Yes. I think we should." Blake agreed.

"But I will be the one to kill her." She said pointing straight at Autmn.

Blake handed her the sword then stepped back.

"Don't do this!" I shouted at her.

"Quiet!" She snapped and closed my mouth shut with a flick of her hand.

Autmn's POV

"What are you waiting for? Kill me already!" I snarled at her.

"Autmn..." Adam warned.

"Oh I will." Mary said.

Fear crept inside me. Because the way she said it... She is really going to kill me.

"Please no!!!" Adam shouted.

I looked over to him and gave him a small smile.

He mouthed the words 'I Love You'

I looked back to Mary ready for my death.

She raised the sword

And plunged it.

A small cry escaped in the quiet room.

While the sword fell to the ground.


Oooh... A cliffhanger :)

Vote and Comment everyone :)

So sorry for the late update :(

Hope you guys can be understanding... :)

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