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Chapter 7

Astrid's POV

I'm finally free from the clinic.

"Hey,come on,im gonna show you something." Autmn said.

"Sure." I replied.

I followed her to the pool.

"Well? What is it?" I asked impaitiently.

"This." Rowena said.

Suddenly the ground shook.

And two holes appeared.

One on the right.

And one on the left.

"What are those?" I asked

"Those are portals." Rowena said.

"Wait are those legit PORTALS?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yep. The right one is for the Good and the left well you know that already." Autmn said.

"Wait what are these for?" I asked.

"These are for guiding the Good out of the mortal world." She replied

"Why us then?" I ask.

"Because the Bad always drag the Good back here,and suck their energy" she said.

"So that means..." I said.

"The Good die another death and get to be reborn,causing them to go to the bad side. To be one of them." Rowena said darkly.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because it happened to a close someone of mine." Autmn suddenly answered softly.

"Who then?" I asked.

Autmn didn't answer.

Rowena was the one who finally told me.

"It was her Mother,Astrid" Rowena said gravely. "And sadly she's the leader of the Evil one's"

I was shocked.

"And she tried to kill me every time we meet." Autmn said tears in her eyes.

"Why are you crying then?" I asked "shouldn't you be happy,cause you're alive? I mean she did try to kill you everytime"

"No!" She shouted "Why would i be? i was the one who killed her,I am the reason she's like this."

"Im. The. Killer." She whispered.


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