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Chapter 34

Cole's POV

"She'll kill us?" I asked Autmn.

"Well. That's what she said right?" Blake said flatly.

"So we're all going to die huh?" Rowena said lightly.

"Yeah." Astrid said.

"No. It's obvious she's going to kidnap us first. Then she decides when to kill us" I said determined.

"We need to fight back. And we will survive." I chanted

"Yes we will!" They all replied.

"Guys! Guys! Guys!" A girl shouted.

Then Catrina was running towards us.

"The daggers and swords are done." She said excitedly.

Catrina's POV

I distributed everyone's sword and dagger and they looked rad.

"These are so cool!" Autmn exclaimed.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Really,Cat. Thanks for doing this." Peter said.

"No prob Peter." I smiled. Then my smile faded.

"What's wrong?" Edmund asked.

I sighed.

"Im going away." I said.

"What?" Peter asked surprised.

"Im going to London. And Im... going to live there for the rest of my life." I said.

"Why?" Peter asked.

"I was given an offer. The Hunters from London said they needed an Inventor and a Witch. So I quickly grabbed the opportunity."

"So you're leaving me? Us?"

"Im so sorry Peter. And hey maybe you'll see my newly invented weapons some day,right?" I said with tears falling across my cheeks.

I expected Peter to get mad. But no he didn't. Instead he wrapped his arms around me and buried his head against my shoulders.

"If that's what you want. Then that's what I want too." He said.

I smiled and returned the hug.

- The next day -

We finally arrived the airport.

"Thanks again for the weapons." Autmn said to me.

"My pleasure."

Then we hugged.

Me and the others finally said our goodbye's.

Then Peter walked up to me.

"When we were young and the other kids bullied me you were the one who protected me,eventhough I was older. You were always there for me. When mom died You held my hand and said 'Big brother never leave me ok?' and I promised. And now your the one who's leaving me."

We laughed.

Then we started to cry again.

"I just wanted to say Cat is that I love you. And I would never want to replace you. I won't ever forget you. So don't ever forget me ok?" He asked crying harder.

"I won't forget you." I said bawling.

Then it was my time to go.

I hugged Autmn and the others once again.

Then I ran over to Peter and gave him one last hug.

"I love you Peter. And I won't ever forget you. And when you miss me just look at the stars. And always remember that I'll be looking at them too." I whispered crying very hard.

I could feel Peter's tears rolling down my back.

Then he gave me one last squeeze and we let go.

I started walking away from them.

"Bye!!" They all shouted.

Then I heard Peter's voice shout.

"Come back to me someday! I'll love you forever sister!"

I gave him one last look.

And gave them a wave.

Then I was gone.


So I decided to give Catrina a POV cause this chapter will be her last appearance in the book. (or not. secret)


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