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I want to thank Lance Ting for giving me some ideas for this chapter.

Even though you dont have a Wattpad.

Chapter 16

Astrid's POV

"The circle?" I asked.

"Yep. The Circle. If its completed we are at our strongest." Autmn said.

"The Circle consists of 9 Hunters. But since Rowena is gone...." She said.

"What do you mean im gone?" A voice said.

We all gasped.

"Rowena?" Peter asked.

"In the flash." She said with a smile.

Autmn and I ran to her and engulfed her in a hug.

"Oh my God. Im so sorry." Autmn said tears streaming down her face.

"Its ok," Rowena said. "Im ok."

Autmn nodded and they hugged again.

After they broke apart.

Edmund asked "How did you escape?"

"It wasn't easy." Rowena explained. "At first I was tortured. And i needed to bear with it. Then I cut the ropes that was tying me with my teeth and nails."


Then suddenly Drew came in.

"Autmn?" She asked.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Im gonna go. It's time." She said.

"You alone?" Autmn asked softly.

"Me and two more." She said.

"Who?" Blake asked.

"Me. Sarah. And Rick." She said gently.

"But you guys are our best Fallen Hunters! How can we survive this now?" Blake said hotly.

"Im sorry. But we're being called." She said.

None of us spoke for a while.

"I'll miss you so much!" Autmn said running to her.

"I know I cant hug you but I'll try anyway." She said sobbing.

Then she started to hold her but her hand just wont cooperate.

It was so touching.

All of us said out goodbyes.

Edmund even hugged her. Of course because he can touch a ghost.

"Come on lets go with her to the portal." I said.

Then all of us went together.

Peter's POV

We arrived at the portals.

"Guys. You will defeat them. You are strong. Especially now. Recruit the three. And you'll see how strong all of you are." Drew said.

They were about to step into the portal when she said.

"Release." She said firmly and a little bit sadly.

"Release." Sarah said.

"Release." Rick said.

Then suddenly three balls of light appeared.

One was orange. It was the sunset kind of Orange.

One was a nature green.

And one was a light blue shade no it was transparent. Well it was confusing. It was like the color of ice. I dont know but thats what i saw.

Then the three stepped in.

And the three balls shot up in the air.

After a few minutes Autmn screamed.

And went down and became unconcious.

And Adam began screaming in pain. And became unconcious as well.

And not before long when Blake started to do the same.

Three down.

What happened?

I ask this unanswered question.



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