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I just wanted to say thank you guys for reading my book!!!

Chapter 18

Blake's POV

"Rick?" I asked.

"Yes. It is." He replied.

"What's happening? Where are we? Am I dead? Where are Adam and Autmn?" I asked.

"You ask many questions.Yet I shall only answer your first one." He said.

"What's happening now is the 'Acceptance'," He explained.

"You see when us Hunters die some of us who have roamed the earth for quite some time has been powerful and can do many things. And one of those things are transferring our ability to another generation of Hunters." He said.

"But of course you must be chosen."

"And I have chosen you,Blake Anderson. I have chosen you to inherit my ability." He said.

"And that is?" I asked.

"To control the Earth Element." He said.

"Cool." I say.

"This is not a joke. You must listen carefully. The acceptance is really dangerous. You are not safe. Your soul can either accept it or it will decline it if it does decline it,you shall die child." He said gravely.

"But if your soul does accept it. That means you have the potential. So use it well." He said firmly.

"So the Earth element. You could cause Volcanic eruptions. Earthquakes. Etc. And you could also do shields made of rocks. And a cocoon made of Rocks and metal for the ghosts." He explained.

"Now the first few times you use your second ability it will drain you. And your eye color will change. Do not be scared it's normal. Use it only when you are in grave danger. But after a few months or so with training you can use it anytime." He finished.

"Sweeeet!" I exclaimed.

"Now Im going to answer the 3rd question. No you are not dead. Now im going to answer your 4th question. Adam and Autmn are right there." He pointed.

"You go and explain it to them." He ordered.

"Yes sir. But what about the second question." I asked curiously.

"I do not know the answer as well." He said.

I started walking away when he called out.

"And Blake. Good luck to all of you. Do not let us down."

I nodded.

Then i took the ball of light with me.

Adam's POV

"Where have you been!?" Autmn asked him.

"We were worried." She continued.

"Shut up for a second." He replied.

She glared at him.

"So what's up." I asked him.

So he explained.

When he was finished we fell silent.

I was the one who broke it.

"So we're in 'Acceptance' stage now?" I asked.

"Yep." Blake replied.

Then suddenly the ball of light grew rigid and started to expand.

"Uh. Blake." I asked.

"Don't worry." He said smiling "I'll see you later."

The light flashed brightly one more time and he was gone.

"One down. Two to go." I said.

Peter's POV

"Guys!" Edmund shouted.

Blake was shaking and his skin had a green aura to it.

"Blake!!! wake up!!" Astrid cried. "Whats happening to him?"

That's when his eyes opened. They were emerald green and they sparkle. it was beautiful. Then he shouted.

"Accipio!!!" He said. (Which means 'I accept' in Latin)

Then he backed out again.

"Accipio?" Rowena asked.

"It's 'I Accept' In Latin." I said.

Adam's POV

"So where should we go?" I asked Autmn.

"I dont know." She replied.

"Well then. I say we should just sit here and talk." I declared.

"Yeah we should." She said.

Then we laughed.

Because we remembered the time we were stuck like this it was in the janitors closet.

"We'll just have to wait for music." I said.

"It's ok as long as you're here." She said.

I just laughed and blushed.

-After a few Hours-

Edmund's POV

I heard someone gasp.

"Blake!" Peter said.

"Im alive." He muttered.

"I accepted." He said.

"What?" I asked.

Then he explained.

"Congrats bro!" Peter exclaimed.

"Thanks." He mumbled.

Then he looked over to Autmn and Adam.

And he looked sad.

"Ouch." He winced.

He ducked his head.

"Are you okay?" Astrid asked.

When he looked up we all gasped except for him.

"What?" He asked.

I handed him a mirror.

"My eyes their like... Emerald." He breathed.

Adam's POV

Me and Autmn were talking and laughing.

Then we heard it.

"Music." Autmn said excitedly.

The music was mellow. It was fast and slow at the same time. It was like someone was shooting something and playing some music at the same time.

Me and Autmn got up and held hands.

"Who's it this time." I asked.

"Let's go find out." Autmn said tugging my hand.

Then we started to follow.


Update soon (hopefully) ;)

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