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Chapter 39

Cole's POV

It was my turn to watch the monitors.

With Astrid gone.. Well girls were out of the picture right now.

The monitor finally flashed the faces of the victims.


She's still chained and bloody. But i could see her right wrist were nearly cut open.


Was still tied to a chair. But it seems like everyday she was getting closer and closer to the ledge.


His arms were burnt. And he was sweating like a pig.


Was inside a big tank filled with water up to his ankle.

And Astrid.

She was inside a very dark room. But she was screaming like crazy.

"What's going on with you guys?" I asked them.

But I know they wouldn't hear me.

Amber's POV

I was sleeping when the chair made a tremendous jerk.


4 more jerks and I fall to my death.

I couldn't help but sob.

Astrid's POV

"Astrid! Help!" Edmund yelled.

I ran to him but he disappeared.

"Help!!!!" Autmn shrieked.

She was falling from a cliff.

I tried to grab her arm but she disappeared as well.

Images of my family and friends blurred together.

I screamed the loudest I can.

"Stop it please!!!!"

Autmn's POV

I felt something cutting my wrist. I looked to my right and saw that my wrist was being cut open.

By an invisible hand.

They were bleeding me to death.

I tried healing it. But no luck.

The door opened. And I was greeted with the blinding light of the flashlight.

"Blake?" I asked the familiar silohuette of my friend.


"What are you doing here?"

He grabbed a knife.

"Oh you're gonna save me right?" I asked.

Then he raised the hilt of his knife and stabbed my leg with great force.

I howled in pain.

Tears sprung in my eyes.

"Foolish as ever,eh?" Blake asked me.

"What do you mean?" I said through pain.

"I was the one who told Mary where the Senior hunters were training. I was the one who told Mary about our second abilities. I was the one who told Mary where the Dungeon is. I am the Traitor."

"You bastard!" I spat out.

"Yeah. Well,this bastard is going to be safe and sound inside the Dungeon watching all of you die."

"You see," He continued ,"remember what Mary said? About the two people watching by the sidelines? Im that person."

"Is Cat the other one?" I asked.

He snorted.

"Nope. It was suppose to be Rowena. But you know since she died. The slot shall be yours. That is IF you accept."

"Never in my life." I said without hesitation.

"Suit yourself." He said clearly not interested.

"Oh and by the way. Cat is a fool. She's gonna die anyway. Tell that to your precious Peter." He called out.

And then the door slammed shut.

Blake's POV

"Master. Autmn has declined our invitation."

"Leave her there to die then. She was always a worthless daughter." Mary said bitterly.

Mary stepped aside and stood near the moonlight.

She spread out her arms and called out.

"Let me receive the power!!!"

I heard Autmn scream.

Adam was next.

Then Peter screamed last.

Finally Peter was in pain. I hated that fool.

Suddenly blinding light overpowered the whole room and shot straight through Mary.

She took Autmn's ability to heal and her second ability.

Adam's ability to telekinesis was taken as well.

And Peter's Warlock powers. And his ability to make potions.

Mary smiled.

"At last."

Adam's POV

I clutched my stomach.

I screamed.

"What's happening!" Will yelled.

"I don't know!" Cole retorted.

Blake burst through the doors.

"What's happening is. You are coming with me. To Mary. And prepare to die."


Woot woot! An Update!!!

And Also.

Merry almost Christmas!





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