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Nothing to say :))) haha enjoy!

Chapter 6

Astrid's POV

"Astrid! No!!!!"

My eyes suddenly flew open.

Just a dream. I tried to calm myself but it didn't work out.

"Hey" a voice behind me said.

Then i saw Autmn.

"Where am I?" I asked her.

"In the clinic" she replied.

We sat there in silence. Until she finally broke it.

"I think you need to know.." She started.

"Know what? That there are ghost? That there are ghost boys who have blood trailing their every move? Tell me Autmn! Cause im sooo excited to hear this." I said with sarcasm.

"You're correct. There are ghost," she explained. "But that doesn't mean they're all.... Evil."

"You see Astrid. This school isn't what you think it is." She continued

"Yeah right" i muttered.

"We recruit only the best fighters. Hunters as we call them."

"Hunters?" I asked confused. "As in Ghost hunters?"


I was intrigued.

"Go on." I urged.

"There are Good and Evil of course,our job is to protect the others who aren't aware that there are ghost."

"So you are saying?" I ask

"Im saying we look for ghost. Put them into their dimension and poof we are safe." She said easily.

"Wait did you say we?" I ask

"Yeah as in You Autmn and Me" Rowena chided in.

"Ofcouse our job is to guide the 'good' ghost into the light. While the 'evil' ones...." Autmn explained.

"That's who we look out for." Rowena finished for her.

"I know it sounds silly," Autmn said "But its hard. For one we cant touch a ghost. And two? Some ghost are too powerful. So a lot of us hunters die"

When she said the word die. I felt faint.

"We need you. We're too few already." She said.

"So you want me to kick a ghost's ass?" I ask them.

"Presicely" Autmn said.

"Could've said it any better. "Rowena agreed.

I thought about it actually.

Guiding ghosts.

Seeing ghosts.

Feeling ghosts.

"Im in" I said.


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