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Chapter 26

Autmn's POV

"Autmn.. Wake up." A voice whispered.

I started to stir.

"What happened to you guys?" A voice asked.

"We were mobed by Dark siders." Another voice replied.

I finally opened my eyes.

"Where are we?" I asked them.

"In the clinic." Blake replied.

I looked over to Rowena who was still sleeping peacefully.

And I looked over to Peter who was working seriously.

Then Amber came bursting in.

"Ok. We have a new member here." She exclaimed.

"Oh,Hi Autmn. Glad you're awake." She said to me.

"Hi to you too. And did I hear clearly? A new member?" I asked.

"Yes. But she isn't a Hunter. She's a Witch." Amber said.

"Catrina! Come in here." Amber called.

"Did she say Catrina?" Peter suddenly asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Astrid said.

Then a girl walked in.

"Hi." She said nervously.

"Hey." We all said.

"Cat?" Peter asked.

"Pete!" Catrina said.

Then Peter ran to her and engulfed her in a hug.

"Everyone this is Catrina. She's my twin." Peter said.

"You have a twin? Why don't we see her here?" Edmund asked.

"Oh. I don't come to school here." Catrina said.

"So enough chit chat and let's get to business." Will said.

"You see Cat here is our secret weapon." Cole said grinning mischiviously.

Edmund's POV

"Well? What is it?" I asked them.

"Cat. The floor is yours." Cole said to her.

"Well. I realised that the only weapon you use,besides your abilities,are ghost torches." She said.

"I found a way," She continued "To make you use more weapons."

"Like what?" Blake asked.

"Um. Like swords and daggers,that can kill ghosts." She said.

"Really! Finally!" Autmn exclaimed.

"Wait how do you that?" I asked.

"With a little bit of spells,potions and enchantments. Done." she said

"Really?" Astrid asked.

"Yeah. I actually made one to show you.Here."She said.

Then she got a dagger out.

It was the typical dagger.

But the blade was a reflective silver.

Then she got a sword.

And Wow.

I was in love with that sword.

It was transparent.

I swear it was the coolest thing.

And when it catches the light different colors started glowing on the blade.

"Dude. That's AWESOME!" I said.

"But don't be fooled. This blade is super sharp. And it can be lethal to Mundanes (another word for human).

"So when do we get one?" Adam asked.

"Don't worry. All of you will receive one dagger and one sword." Catrina said.

"Sweet." Blake said.

"Now. Let's train with swords shall we?" Will said dangerously.



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