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Chapter 24

Will's POV

"Guys. Where's Rowena?" Astrid suddenly asked.

Cole jumped.

"Geez! I forgot you were here!" Cole exclaimed.

Astrid laughed.

"I was in the corner." Astrid said.

"Ok. Me,Astrid,And Amber will check out the bathroom. While you boys stay here and wait." Autmn declared.

We all agreed.

Amber's POV

We were getting closer to the bathroom.

When I felt a chill run down my spine.

"Uh Guys. I think we should hurry." I said to them.

So we quickened our pace.

We burst into the bathroom. And saw Rowena out cold on the floor.

"Rowena!" Astrid cried.

We hudled around her.

"Rowena. Rowena wake up!" Autmn shouted.

"She's in comma." I said.

"Come on!" Autmn said.

And we carried her to the training room.

Edmund's POV

We were goofing around when I heard Astrid shout.

"Help us! Open the door."

Adam immediately unlocked the door.

"Rowena!" Peter screamed as he ran to her.

"What happened?" Peter asked frantically.

"I dont know! We just saw her on the floor of the bathroom." Amber explained.

"We tried waking her up,but it didn't work! She's in a comma." Astrid said.

"Come on let's get her to the clinic!" I said.


We put her on the bed and Peter started to make potions.

"Dammit. Autmn don't you have any sage!" Peter growled at her.

"Hey! No need to shout at her." Adam said to Peter.

"Stop it! Both of you!" I shouted.

"Peter what ingredients do you need?" I asked Peter.

He started to sob. He really loves Rowena. We all knew that.

"Sage. Lemon. Uhh... " Peter said.

"Here Peter write it down instead." Autmn said soothingly.

He nodded and started writing.

"Ok. Me and Adam are getting the ingredients" Autmn said.

"You guys can go home. We'll call you if we gathered the ingredients already." Adam said.

"Ok." everybody replied.

Except Peter.

"Im staying." Peter said firmly.

"Peter." Autmn protested.

"No. Let him stay." Astrid said to them.

"Fine,Bye Pete." We said to him.

He waved at us and we were gone.

Rowena's POV

I screamed.

Im in my own dream.

I thought myself.

That's when Mary appeared.

"Hello child." She said to me.

"What do you want!" I snarled at her.

"Shut up!" She said

Then she lifted me up by the neck. And threw me across the room.

I landed near someones foot.

It was Him.

The traitor.

"You bastard!" I spat at him.

"It's for the best." Then he grabbed my skull and the throbbing resumes.

"No!" I screamed.




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