Chapter 9 - Enough!

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Corine P.O.V

I was sitting in my office and looked up on the clock. It would be an hour before I could go home. But I didn't really want to. At home was Andrew acting all strange since he found out what I was. He was stiff, kept himself far away and did only talk when I spoke to him. It was annoying me more then it sould. I know he was just acting. He had some guts in himself, but for some reason did he put up this weak face. 

I couldn't help but to sigh deep. Today, this morning had he even refuse to sit down and eat with me. He talked something about he wasn't worth it and blah... blah. Everything was just bullshit! I would even hit it in him to make it change. Yes I can be a bit mean, even cold... but my true coldness have been gone for a long, long time. Today, so many years later so was it nothing. 

My vampire side, my dark side was in controll and have been that for a long time. All I needed was some human blood now and then to work good. Since my body didn't preduse anymore blood since my change so was it.... I just needed the blood. End of story. That I liked to hunt for it was another side of it. To be live so long time since I have so did even the long project became boring. I hated to just sit and doing nothing, but having Andew around was impoving much. 

He was funny with all his strange questions and his way to be. So the fact he was avoiding me was annoying me more then it should. So now was it enough with this silly game. No more hidding. No more weak faces. 

I looked at the clock. It showed 17:35, it was soon time to get home. I smiled and started to made up a plan how to make him understand what I am. It not an easy task, that is for sure. But I had a small hope of it.

Around 19 was I steping inside my house. I took of my jacket and shoes as I called out.

"I am home..."

Andrew didn't answer, I guessed he was still in his room. I walked around downstairs to check before I went upstairs. Just as I thought was he in his room.

"Hey there." I said after I open the door. He was sitting in his bed, Reading. But the book didn't seem to be catching his interest. "Aren't you going to answer me?" I asked after some time of his quiet protest. Still there was nothing coming out from him.

"Andrew..?" This time was my voice much more harsher.

He looked up at me with his green eyes. I thought I catched a glimps of shame in them, but it was gone the second after.

"Aren't you going to greet me?" I asked him and crossed my arms in front of me. He was like a terrible teenager that was rebeling against it's parents. There was no way I could tolerant that kind of behavor under my roof.

"Well?" I waited for a reponds.

Andrew ignored me, and turned to look in his book once again. Thats it! I thought and walked up to him. I rippped out the book from his hands, throw it away. Then I could hear it landed in the wall on the other side of the room.

"Enough with this silly nonsens..." I hissed and took a grip around his chin, forced him to look at him. "What is wrong with you?"

His faces showed nothing but anger.

"What is wrong with me?!" He question back to him. "I am not the one that are bitting people."

His words was like them have hit me, I took my hand back to myself.

"You have no idea what you are talking about. No fucking idea..." My voice had become low and hissing.

"Yeah. Is that so!? Why the hell don't you try to explain yourself then, hm...?"

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