Chapter Twelve

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"Have fun at detention, you troublemaker!" Nove shouted after me as we departed. He went to the right, and I left, but he paused to wave at me dramatically. Even holding a handkerchief to his face (Which begs the question, why'd a teenager like him walk around with something like that?).

"Go to hell!" I cried behind my shoulder, stomping way down to a room that had become way too familiar for my liking.

The see-through was there as always. Mocking me, it felt.

But I went to it and laid my hand on the knob of shame. It felt cold and I shivered.

Why'd this have to happen again?

Since I had already caught the attention of two students, watching me in confusion I might as well just get done with it. The door hid nothing, and with nothing I meant me. Both them seemed quite surprised though. Seemingly recognizing my face (Again, not quite the popular type, but I'm known.).

Boy would the rumors go.

I went in and much to my horrible surprise I saw Angie sitting by the corner.

Remember Angie?

What if I say troubled, bitchy emo whom I had encountered the first school day and tried to help, but got quite the cold shoulder back?

Yep. She was right there in all her black glory. Sitting behind the glass door which explained why I hadn't noticed her. She and two others were the only in the room. But she was the attention-drawer no doubt. What with her sot-like black eyes, her hair now shaved on one side, makeup basically covering her in this dark glow and please don't get me started with her clothes. They were black, some black black and the occasional grey. But that's not what made me cringe.

It was the camp boots, the ripped vest, vulgar tee and the destroyed pants which I was surprised was still holding their own on her hips.

She had went from emo.

To scene.

And absolutely not with style.

It seemed like she hadn't noticed me quite yet, her eyes nailed hard on the wall next to her, and I basically tiptoed my way to the back as well.

But God made the chair creak.

And the table.

And my fucking shoes.

Her head slowly turned to me and our eyes locked.

For a second there was nothing.

Then for five hellish long seconds, a smile grew. And not on my face, I mind you.

Hers. And it was as if I was staring at a shark.

"Well, well. Princess Avy. How'd you of all end up here?" She bopped her head on her hand, smiling still.

I sighed, settling myself to comfort and tried shrugging the question away.

But it was a mission in itself.

"I heard you got detention last week as well." She continued chucklingly. "Didn't believe it though."

"Well here I am." I replied sarcastically, lowering my head down a notch. "Though do me a favor and don't ask why."

"I don't do favors," Angie's smile couldn't get wider.

Was she actually pleased by my misery?

"So why?" She continued. "What'd the goody-two-shoes do?"

"She did nothing. The teachers did."

"Ah come on. Last time I checked the teachers adored you and your charismatic ways of ease. So don't be all shy now. What'd you do, princess?"

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