Chapter Ten

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I know I've mentioned what kind of bitch August had been. But on my way home, it seemed to be bitchier. As if it was mocking me. Knowing that I was about to step into hell once again, and just for good measure, it would send down rain.



At the start of the school day I never knew I'd go home like this. Miserable and utterly pissed. Not only had Zack been a pain the ass, but now I had to deal with the fact that I had gotten detention. Or more like detentions. Again.

So of course Mother Nature would be over the moon. Taking in the fact, she hates my guts. So do God, I do believe.

I stepped in, soaking wet and looking like the girl from Ring just the Latino version, of course. No one was home yet. Dad, who I thought had a free day, seemed to be quite the busy guy. Reports were all over the table and it seemed he had rushed out. Mother was out working as well, and Penny was probably at Auntie's.

I had more or less an hour or so until I had to face mr and mrs Devil.

How fantastic.

I got to work. Cleaning and shuffling around the house. Putting the family home into an order. Just so mom would see and maybe soften up a little. But don't be fooled, she wouldn't be all understanding when I broke the news.

When I finished forty minutes later, I was surprised to see the front door open. I had been in my room, showering and making myself presentable.

So of course, seeing the door all wide and the house eerily silent, flashes of whatever I had taught from Naruto came to mind.

But of course, no jutsu could be of any help or any martial arts. Though my brother had taught me some moves, I was as good as a choking fish.

Useless, really.

"Hello?" I squeaked, but then I shut my trap. From all the movies I've seen, when the poor girl called out after her possible murderer, she ended up dead on the spot. Sliced up in bits.

I didn't want to become sushi just yet.

So very silently I reached out my arm for the beautiful, but sharp vase, on my right. Though my mom would be sad, I think she had to deal with the sacrifice of her vase in exchange for her daughter's life.

Though I have a hunch that she'd be more devastated over the china than me..

I tiptoed my way to the wall and started, while holding my breath for the life of me, walking towards the end of the wall. Then it turned right, and into the kitchen it went. I heard clicks and clacks and whatnot coming from there. It could be something to do with the sink and plates, but I don't think my murderer would care to do the dishes.

I was at the end of the wall.

What now?

Surprise attack seemed possible. Just pop up and beat the crap out of him.

Or just run out the front door.

A real debate. Fight or flee. Basic human features.

Adrenaline was kicking too. Heart racing in the speed of light, almost. Sweat coming.

I was scared. I really was. But I also wasn't. I was scared, and I was cool.

Thing is, I did the stupidest thing.

I placed myself in front of the kitchen door. Ready to fight.

But as I saw the face of whom I thought would be my Reaper, I could honestly say I was pissed.

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