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(I apologize for the shortness of this chapter, but it had to be done in order for the story to continue on and make sense at the same time. I appreciate your understanding.)


I couldn't feel anything.

I saw things, hear things, and said things, but could not feel.

When I wasn't alone, I wanted to harm.

It took so much strength not to harm,  but I forced myself not to.

It was difficult because of how close I was.

So many things had been manipulated inside of me that it pained me not to harm.

I kept telling myself to breathe and take it easy, but I could feel the insanity running through my veins.

She  was forcing me to hold back from harm,  but I knew I couldn't for much longer.

I loved her though, so I breathed.

It would be a while before I could break out of my cell, but I would wait.

I would do anything for more harm.

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