A Short Anticipating Chat

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I had always felt something for Chat Noir.

I knew the day I met him that he was a lot of things to me.

He was my friend, who would talk to me and laugh me out of any situation.

He was my partner, who helped me save the world with a smile on my face.

He was my safety net, and I knew I could talk to him about anything.

He was my hero, who saved me when I couldn't save myself.

But now...

He was what I wanted, just not in the way I had ever imagined with him.

He looked at me, his eyes sparkly green and a soft crooked smile on his face.

He almost looked as terrified as I felt, but I couldn't move.

So we just sat in silence, looking at each other and trying to process what I had just done.

Was it right?

Was this what I had wanted?

He chuckled about something, breaking our streak of silence.

"What is it?" I asked, my voice low.

"Mari. You said to call you Mari, I just cant believe how I didn't guess that before," he said, a light pink dusted over his cheeks.

I smiled too.

"You said to call you Andy, but I don't know anyone whose name even comes close to Andy."

"That's because I never had a nickname growing up. My name's pretty short so I just came up with a false one for you," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

I nodded, I guess not everyone's name is as long as mine.

"I get it."

He looked down at his ring, the light pink on his cheeks turning a darker red.

"I have 2 minutes before I transform back," he informed me.

I bit my lip, "You don't have to tell me who you are, I get it if you aren't ready for that yet."

He looked at me confused and laughed to himself, "Now that wouldn't be fair, now would it?"  

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