School, among other things

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So I was just reading over this chapter...and yeah, they do it A LOT. Wrote it at different times so....but yeah, prepare yourself on.

It wasn't long before Emily reminded me of my priorities. I groaned and slung my backpack over my shoulder.

"Do I have to walk?" I asked, trying to keep my voice glum. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her keys off the counter. I cheered like a five year old who had just won a bouncy-ball.

"You have to walk tomorrow though," she told me as we walked out the door.

"Why?" I whined. I hate walking, and I know that it's going to be extra difficult carrying this backpack. Today it was light though because I still had to pick up all my textbooks.

"Because, you want to stay in shape for Josh now don't you?" she teased. I gave her a long, smug look. She shivered when she realized how I took it. "Ugh okay, you know what I mean though..." she jammed the key in the ignition and the car rumbled to light with the twist of her wrist.

"No I don't!" I laughed again, tapping her shoulder playfully. She grimaced and looked at me like a child who just wouldn't behave. "Hey, don't look at me like that, okay I'm not the only one in this house who has sex their boyfriend," I raised my eyebrows accusingly. She sighed and nodded.

"Touché," she agreed, giving up. I grinned to myself the whole way there, forgetting where I was going in the first place. I just sat silently, observing the falling sheets of thin rain. It wasn't until I saw the school and the gathering people that I realized I was doomed. I slouched down in my seat, peeking over the rim of the window. The falling perspiration gathered at the bottom of the window as the car came to a stop, blurring my vision.

"I don't wanna go...," I whispered. I jumped as Emily touched my shoulder.

"You can do it," she urged.

"Why aren't you coming? You come to school here too," I told her hopefully, but I instantly knew it was a failed attempt. She looked down and then her eyes met mine. Duh, she can't go to school pregnant. It would ruin so much, everyone would treat her differently. Of course they would do the same to me, but she would just keep getting bigger and bigger, I stay the same. Eventually they'll forget and move on to the next victim.

I sighed and pecked her cheek before yanking my backpack over my head like everyone else as I stepped out into the rain, slamming the door shut before the inside got too wet. She drove away and I ran towards the building like a few others who had just gotten out of their cars. I need to get my own soon... I can't keep having people drive me everywhere. I pulled on the cold metal handle of the front door. I didn't miss this place at all.

The inside was dry and smelled of plastic and Clorox. This place was always kept smelling new. Rich bastards, too bad they don't know how to give us a good education. Just pointless homework and homophobic teachers. Except Ms. Leroy, but she's nothing but a dyke. I looked to my right and observed the familiar staircase that led to the second story of the school. To my left kids were heading towards the cafeteria until the bell rang. I usually followed them and met my 'friends' at a particular table, but today I knew I wouldn't be welcomed. So I silently hitched my backpack higher and trotted up the stairs, ignoring the squeaky sound coming from my wet shoes. I was edgy, expecting Jessica to pop out at any moment. But time progressed, and by the time I reached my locker, terror had overwhelmed me. The feeling I had as I regained my energy and my life in that hospital...all came rushing back to me. I was shaking effortlessly, trying to be conspicuous and I shoved my backpack in my locker, studying my schedule. I first. I pulled out my blue folder and a pencil. As I stood up and closed the red metal door, people were swarming the hallways. I looked towards the ceiling where I knew the digital clock would be. Two minutes to get to the first floor. I ran to the second stairway and followed the crowd as they chose one side to go up and one side to go down. I recognized almost everyone, but not very many people looked at me. They all looked so different after the summer...but after my whole ordeal and all that I've been felt like I've been gone for years. Finally I reached the bottom and swiftly slid through the door and on to my first hour class. As I walked into the room several people looked up at me. At first they were curious, then realization struck. I made sure that before I left I didn't look gay...I kept my head down as I made my way to the teachers desk.

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