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When we came home, I think it one of the best moments of my life so far. I had to spend eight weeks in the hospital learning to how to throw a fricken baseball because apparently I had some pretty serious brain damage, and my hand eye coordination was off. And- I would've never noticed this- but my speech was slurred slightly so for the first time in my life, I took a speech lesson. When I wasn't learning how to be human, I was in my room, watching movies and eating ice-cream. Josh was constantly with me, seeing as he was still recovering as well. He has been really...off since the incident. Quieter, more hesitant. I hated seeing him like this...and we haven't kissed for a week now. Highly unusual for us.

Emily came in to see us everyday around four, and stayed until about ten. She had a job now, working as an assistant nurse. Lucky for her she was smart enough to test for her GED and get out of high school early, even though she still plans to go to college. I found all this out as Josh and I were sitting on my (stupid) hospital bed watching 'Transamerica' on HBO. She had come in about a half an hour ago and we were talking quietly.

Jake came in from time to time, but since he was seventeen now; he had a lot of responsibilities.

Even Remy visited me a couple times, but as for Cole; I haven't seen him since Josh and I left that day. Em says he just hasn't had time, but I know something is up.

Unfortunately I was in that hospital for so long that I almost forgot what the sky looked like, so it was a miracle when I walked out and saw daylight again. Josh was right about me being in worse condition though, I did end up feeling a lot worse later. My head took most of the pain, but at least I had Josh with me all the time.

I had to get about one hundred sixteen stitches and they had to drill into my skull to let out all of the blood that was apparently in the wrong places, then realign the bone in my head so it wouldn't fracture my skin. I'm amazed that they were able to do all of this with my hair. So mentally I was worse than him, but he had three broken ribs and he had to...get his stomach pumped. They had poisoned him and left him there to die on the streets. Alongside me...that explains the dramatic weight loss, and the fact that he hasn't eaten in seven days. While I was in a coma, he refused to eat or sleep or let anybody talk to him. And apparently when I had blacked out after getting hit, they had beat him and kept him conscious throughout the entire incident. He was really in a lot of emotional pain... it's so weird seeing him so depressed. I mean he'll be supportive when I learn something new (in recovery) but I can still see the hurt in his eyes.

Things started to get better when we left the hospital. His torso was as good as new. Well, his bones were anyway...he still weighed about fifteen pounds less than his average one hundred forty-five. He actually...smiled on the way home. I swear; I never knew how fun it was to ride in a car until I thought I never would do it again. The trees looked fascinating as they blurred past us, and the yellow lines beneath the car held my interest for a good half an hour. Emily drove us home with a grin while Cole waited at the house.

Once we were through the door he had me up in a hug. One of the sweetest moments my brother and I have ever had.

So here we are...three weeks after that awful incident. I never got to explain to Josh that I wasn't going to leave him. That kiss...I don't know how he took it. But I don't think he knows...

I stood up from the couch.

"Aren't you going to watch the movie?" Asked Cole, pausing it and looking up at me. Josh glanced over the recliner chair he was sprawled out on. I shook my head.

"I think I've watched enough movies at the hospital," I chuckled, "I'm gonna go get ready, I wanna go to the skate park or something."

"I don't know...there a lot of people there...," he stammered. He has gotten really protective lately, and I can tell why. I haven't gotten out into public for awhile, I've been too jumpy and edgy.

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