Independence day...what?

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I moaned and rolled over. I was tired and I dont remember much. I rolled again and nearly fell of the bed.

"Woah," Josh caught me, his hand was cold against my bare ribs. I looked in his eyes and smiled. Though it looked like he hadnt slept all night, he was happy. I dont remember last night... and I certainly dont remember coming back home. I remember falling asleep in his arms by the river. Were we really at a river? Did last night even happen? As I became more aware of my surroundings, I noticed that I was in Josh's arms... naked... and sweating... I sat up instantly, giving myself a head-rush.

"What happened last night?!" I said nervously. He rubbed my back and pulled me back down, kissing me.

"Dont worry baby," he said into my neck, "nothing happened. Well I wouldnt say 'nothing', but I can garentee your still a virgin," he smiled and kissed me again.

"Then why am I... naked?" I asked awkwardly. He sighed and sat up, keeping the blanket on me.

"Because your clothes were soaking wet, and I didnt want you to get sick..." he said slowly. Of course.

"Why didnt you just change my clothes?" I asked suspiciously. He blushed and scratched his head, looking down.

"Now, Dylan, whats the fun in just putting on dry clothes?" He said confidently, he knew I would've done the  same thing. Damn it! I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, why did he have to be so perfect? Though I still didnt know if I was ready to be laying next to him naked... He leaned forward and hugged me. I wanted so badly to just be all over him too, but I knew my body would get too excited. Too bad I realized that too late. I had started to kiss him, and as he started to move forward... I was getting excited... "Oh, hello," he said pulling back. I buried my face in his chest.

"Awww, geeez! Not now!" I muttered. I noticed then that he was shirtless too, but he had pants on. He put his finger under my chin and pulled my face up.

"Hey," he murmered, "it's okay," he kissed my forehead and started to get up. I held on to his shoulder, making it so he couldnt stand up.

"'Hun?" I said, my eyebrows pulling together.

"Yeah?" he looked at me intently.

"What happened?" I asked. I thought that he'd led me to that beautiful river where he told me he loved me...

"I brought you to this place I found, and we went swimming... then I told you that I loved you... we didnt do anything other than kiss... dont worry," he kissed my cheek and started to stand up again. I pulled on his arm, bringing him back down onto the bed. I wasnt going to be having sex anytime soon, but that doesnt mean I wont kiss him. But as he was starting to lay on me... I got excited again, and he chuckled.

"Ugh! Hang on!" I said getting off the bed, quickly pulling on some boxers, being careful to keep the blanket around my waist. I didnt want him seeing anything. When I looked back at him he was laying with his feet towards the wall, so he had his knees propped up and his head hung off the edge of the bed. He was upside down looking at me. I laughed and jumped on him.

"Hey!" he said holding his stomach. I put my legs around his waist and pinned his arms above his head.

"Thats payback for last night!" I said, laughing. He smiled and turned his head to the right. He grabbed a remote that was on the end of the bed. He pushed the power button and push the '+' button. I heard my favorite CD come on. He had turned on my stereo. I laughed and leaned down to kiss him again.

It didnt occur to me that Cole was downstairs. It was just me and Josh right now. But before I could do anything, he got loose of my grasp and pinned me up against the wall. I twisted my fingers in his hair, and slowly slid my tongue in his mouth. His tongue met mine, I let out a pleasured moan, and I could feel myself sliding downt the wall.

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