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Chapter Twelve: The All Seeing Eyes

Nancy got me a lime Popsicle. Jay and I are sitting in the day room talking about random things. My bruises are hidden and he doesn’t know about them. I get to go home in an hour. Life is good. Wait for it, wait for it.

I raised a finger knowingly and waited.

“Gale,” The Slave Driver said as she entered the room.

“Ah, there it is.” I looked over my shoulder at her. “Back to disturb the peace so soon?” I asked her smugly, not caring one bit that it was disrespectful. She could go die in a hole for all I cared. I would dance on her grave and enjoy myself. What’s one more vengeful spirit?

“Dr. Thompson wanted you to sit in on her group session.” She told me while clenching her masculine jaw at my question. Another victory; maybe today isn’t such a bad day.

Leaving her there I left the large, sunny room and let myself be happy for a few uninterrupted minutes. I danced subtly to This Is Why I’m Hot, which was playing in my head, and tried to ignore the fact that I was about to eat a Popsicle in front of Matthew and Adrian. Jason hardly counted. I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to become too much of a problem with him.

I stopped dancing and fixing my Popsicle’s dripping problem long enough to be stopped my Thompson.

“Gale, there you are.” She smiled brightly at me and I had an overwhelming urge to jam my Popsicle down her throat. It would melt eventually, but she would be dead by then. It would be well worth it. “Would you mind sitting with Alice, Matthew, Jason, and Adrian today? I know you’ve been pretty busy this week and I thought it would be good for the five of you to spend some time together.” She said, sounding very pleased with the idea.

Okay, since when is it “good” to be around any of them?  I mean, Alice is totally off her rocker and I’ve lost all sympathy I could have had for her. Matthew is a mega liane and genuinely freaks me the hell out in every conceivable way. Adrian is an anti-social murderer and Thompson isn’t supposed to know we’re all buddy-buddy. Again, Jason is an exception, but my point is, are those really the kind of people you want someone like me hanging out with?

“Yeah, sure, that sounds fine.” Way to lie Gale, way to lie. You better be getting damn good at it really fast.

“Great, come on in!” Thompson welcomed with a bright smile and we walked the short distance to the room together. There was no real thought in those few seconds. I wasn’t nervous, I wasn’t worried, and I hoped I got the chance to take a few shots at Thompson. She can’t possibly know I know anything so she would never have anything to suspect. Ah, I love the comfort of having an advantage.

There were varied reactions when I opened the door to what I like to call the Interrogation Room. Alice’s eye visibly twitched, Jason and Matthew looked like little boys being told they’re going to Disney Land, and Adrian kept that same faintly alert look, though his jaw set a little tighter.

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