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{OMG!!! :D }

"I'll warn you before we get into this that Alice is hysterical, Matthew is the King of Insanity, Jason is adorable, and Adrian probably won't say anything...or at least I hope he doesn't." I said the last part under my breath. I didn't think he would let anything slip, but he's not exactly on his A game.

"Adorable?" Jay questioned with blond eyebrow arched perfectly. It annoyed me how he could do that so well.

"Yeah, he's the sweetest old kidnapper." I answered and smiled to myself. You really couldn't help feeling sorry for the poor guy.

"Hey, this is the first thing we've done together." Wendy pointed out.

"Yes it is." I realized and nodded. "It's about time." I crossed my legs and started filling out my name, the date, time, and patient's names and disorders, which I had to help Jay and Wendy with. After that was over with we still had a few minutes to talk.

"So what did Adrian want?" Wendy asked as she seemed to suddenly remember. I was glad I hadn't been the only one to forget.

"A demon caused the seizure. It was the yellow eyed one I saw in the basement. It was in the nightmare he had and so I was I apparently." I explained uneasily. It made sense that I would have been there and everything I did in the dream seemed like something I would really do.

"What did you do?" Jay asked. Both seemed skeptical of the fact that the demon had caused Adrian's seizure. To me it made perfect sense. They can easily do things like that, I'm sure, and even if they couldn't, seizures can be caused by sleep deprivation. I know Adrian doesn't sleep much.

"We were walking through the basement and I kept trying to get him to turn around, which I would really do." I explained. Both of my friends seemed satisfied with that answer.

I began to wonder what would happen if Adrian and I really did go deeper into the basement. Considering it's so terrifying I'm sure we will at some point. We have to expand our horizons and find out what other secrets the basement holds. I'm afraid to know what those are and how it could possibly get more gruesome, but it will. I can feel it in my bones. I might as well just accept my fate. At least I will die trying to help someone...illegally.

"So are we supposed to write about body language or..." Wendy tailed off questioningly.

"Yeah, body language, visible emotions, how they say things, hesitation, and so on and so forth. That's how I understood it anyway." I answered and yawned to the point I wasn't sure I would ever stop. I do that all the time. Adrian isn't the only one who doesn't sleep enough.

I tapped my pen on the clip board as Jay randomly rambled on about zombies. Wendy and I didn't really care about what he was saying, but we nodded and hummed our acknowledgement anyway. It was just something to pass the time until we turned into little psychiatrists.

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