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Chapter Four: Push and Pull

It was noon and I had ignored three calls from the hospital. I deleted the messages left without listening. Cutting myself off was way more difficult than I had thought possible. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I didn't think I would have to avoid eye contact with windows. Every time I look outside I want to bolt straight to the hospital and Adrian's room to make sure he hadn't been snatched up by a demon or Alexander's ghost. 

I shot up from the couch, startling my dog and my mom who was reading in the chair.  

Alexander's ghost? Why hadn't I thought of that before? Of course he's still there! They killed him in the middle of a ritual, so he obviously wasn't ready to die. They bludgeoned him to death so he's obviously not happy. Oh I'm so stupid! He's at least seen Adrian and me there so he knows we weren't supposed to be there. Without me to target he'll go straight for Adrian.  

"What?" My mom asked finally. I had to think quick, trying to decide how much to tell her. If I did spill the whole truth she would go down there with me and speak to management. She tends to over-due it. 

"I think I have to go back." I said a bit distantly as my mind lingered on the thought of Alexander's satanic ghost stabbing Adrian to death with an ice pick. I was already sick to my stomach, when another realization dawned on me. The first time we had gone into the basement there was a bloody ice pick. It couldn't have any direct connection, but the though sent shivers down my spine and all the color drained from my face. 

"Whatever happened to never going back to that "god forsaken" hospital?" My mom knew I didn't want to go back and that I was severely angered and repulsed, but I had refused her any details. I claimed to not want to talk about it and she didn't ask. 

I sat back down and stared ahead at the clock. 

Look at what it's doing to you Gale. If you stay away the fear and symptoms will fade. It will be like nothing ever happened. Just stay here where it's safe. And so what if something does happen to Adrian? You're never going to find out about it. 

Oh yeah, because that makes sense. Someone is in danger of being taunted and murdered by demons aside from the metaphorical ones they already have and it's perfectly fine for me to sit back and let it happen. No, I can't let anything happen to Adrian. He may have dragged me into the situation, but he never pushed me away when I needed him. Who am I do to just that? 

Stop being soft! He's insane, Gale! And a murderer. He's been messing with your head since the first time you laid eyes on him. You're playing right into his hands, just like every other stupid teenage girl. He's dangerous, attractive, exciting, and was nice to you for maybe five minutes tops. He's probably schizophrenic too and just plucking the strings of your paranoia. Don't pretend you don't have it.

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