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I really appreciate all of your support. Sorry my update's late again. My family has been going through a rough time recently and your support for my writing means a lot to me. Make sure to vote and comment! And a follow if ya feel like it(:


"We have to find a way to stop this," Harry said to Hermione after he explained his Umbitch-induced situation.

"Yeah, but how?" Harry asked, his upper body propped up with pillows on the infirmary bed. His legs were covered with a thin white blanket and white hospital sheets.

"Let me figure it out. I'm sure there's something in the books," Hermione smiled, as she patted his leg and hopped off the bed, scurrying away. As she reached the large wooden door, she turned back at Harry. "I'll tell you what I've found as soon as possible."

"Okay," Harry said hopefully, and relaxed back in his bed. He sighed and closed his eyes, letting the sun beam through his eyelids. Opening his eyes briefly, he leaned over to look at Draco, and found two mercury eyes already watching him.

"How are you feeling?" Draco asked from his bed.

"I should be asking you that," Harry replied, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"I'm doing okay. In all honesty, I'm glad that bloody bastard is dead. I had time to sleep on it," he briefly smiled, teeth gritted through the lies, and even though Harry knew he was sugarcoating it, he felt a little better.

Harry cleared his throat. "Do you think we're cleared to go to dinner later?"

Draco opened his mouth, but the answer came from Madam Pomfrey. "I don't see why not," she interrupted. "You're well enough to eat in the Great Hall. Just come back here directly after."

"Great," Harry smiled, and Draco found himself smiling as well.


Draco and Harry received uneasy stares as they walked down the Great Hall. "Are you going to sit with us?" Harry said, as he noticed the cold aura coming from the the Slytherin table. Draco would sit with the Gryffindors most days, but sometimes he would sit with Blaise and Pansy. Harry glanced at Draco, who was looking uncertainly at the Slytherins.

"No, it's okay," Draco said, "I need to deal with this."

"You're so brave," Harry blurted out with a flash of green light, and Draco laughed.

"Maybe I should have been a bloody lion then."

Harry smiled as Draco walked confidently toward the Slytherin table. He turned to sit down next to Hermione and Ron.

"I'm so glad you're back, Harry, I was starting to get a bit tired of having only Granger around," Ron grinned.

Hermione gave him a teasing glare and whacked him with a book, one she was so conviently carrying around everywhere she went. "Ronald Weasley," she laughed. "You know you love me," she teased, and Ron laughed and shyly agreed with her. Harry looked at them happily and found himself searching for Draco as Hermione and Ron gabbed.

Draco was sitting next to Pansy and Blaise, as per usual, and Blaise seemed to be warming up to the idea of being friendly toward Draco again, and as always, Pansy was shoving herself toward him with no self respect, even though Draco was so blatantly uninterested. As Draco turned to look for Harry, Harry blushed and instinctively turned away. When he looked back, Draco raised his eyebrow at him suggestively. Pansy whined, and Harry couldn't help but laugh. Everything felt normal again.

Harry went to mention something to Hermione, and noticed her face had fallen flat. Her previously chipper voice had suddenly quieted down, as well as everyone else's, when they noticed the Great Hall's doors opening.

Umbridge sauntered in, clad in pink and fuschia, teetering down the hall toward the staff seating. The entire room was silenced as she made her way to the front, students glaring in shock and horror. Harry shared a look of anxiousness with Draco, and Draco slouched in his seat subconsciously.

"I apologise for my absence," Umbridge chirped, and everyone groaned. "There was an urgent ministry matter that needed my aid."

"More like a Voldemort matter," Ron muttered, and Hermione hushed him.

"The rules will continue to be enforced just as strictly as they were before my absence." Hem hem. Umbridge made her way to her seat, and sat next to a disgruntled Professor Snape.

Argus Filch clapped profusely as everyone else groaned.

"Who wants to bet that they're shagging?" Dean Thomas piped up, and everyone grimaced in horror.

"I'd rather not picture that," Ron looked at his food nauseously, suddenly not hungry.


Harry met up with Draco after dinner. "You ready to go back to the hospital wing?"

"Not really," Draco shrugged. "Can we go for a quick walk? I'd like some fresh air."

"Of course, Dray," Harry smiled and reached for Draco's hand. Draco intertwined his fingers with Harry's, and Draco led Harry up the moving staircases.

With a lurch they made it to the top, and Draco revealed that he wanted to go see the view from the Astronomy Tower, and although it was rather chilly outside, Harry nodded because he would do anything for his Draco.

Draco looked strangely happy, for someone who had been through so much. Harry studied him curiously as Draco skipped down the hallway, and finally decided to call out, "You look rather chipper, Dray."

Draco smiled back at him as he held Harry's hand, leading him down the hallway. "I feel so free, Harry."

He continued to skip the whole way to the Astronomy Tower. Harry, no matter how happy for him, hoped Draco's happiness would last, and knew that he would be there for him every step along the way.

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