Chapter XXI

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"If you take a wizard's wand without their consent, you basically get shot across the room and will set off some sort of alarm. You need the wizard's consent to take it." Harry said urgently, grasping Draco's shoulders.

Draco stood frozen in place, unblinking. "I have to get Charlie to give me his wand? How am I supposed to do that?" Draco responded in a blur, and Harry rested his arms around Draco's waist as Draco rested one hand on the wall beside Harry, Harry pinned in between.

"Anyway, I found out where our wands are, and if you get Charlie's wand first, then you can get in there and take our wands." Harry smiled reassuringly, and Draco's head fell forward, his forehead resting on Harry's shoulder.

"This is going to be impossible." Draco exhaled, trying to control his rage.

"If it makes you feel better, I won't get mad at you for seducing him."

Draco completely ignored this, then suddenly piped up, "There has to be a loophole."

Harry considered this, then said, "Well, I mean, if you're going to use magic, you can't use a wand, so..."

"A potion? Like a love potion?" Draco's head rose suddenly, and he cupped Harry's face with his hands. They were cool, but shaking, and Harry knew that Draco was containing his panic as best as he could. He kissed Harry suddenly, his eyes sparkling with hope.

"Draco, you can't make a love potion now, you need to get back to Charlie's room. Tell me where the ingredients closet is so I can get the ingredients and make the potion."

"But Harry, you suck at potions..." Draco stuttered, and Harry glared, his eyes dropping. "Besides, I have one hidden in my room."


Thankfully, Draco's parents hadn't searched his room, because the love potion was still stashed in the back of his closet. Draco grinned back at Harry, and Harry looked suspiciously at it. "Oh, relax, Harry. I only had it to prank Pansy my first year but I decided not to because I became friends with you." Draco raised and eyebrow, and Harry sighed. "By the way, Harry, you're filthy. So when I go to knock up Charlie, take a shower, m'kay?"

Harry admitted that he was quite a mess, so he didn't take it as an insult. He headed over to Draco's bathroom as soon as Draco left to go drug Charlie.

Draco knocked on the door after having dropped the vial into the food and discarding the container into a potted plant. "Charlie?" He asked.

Charlie opened the door, smiling at the trays of food Draco brought in. "What took you so long?"

"I had to track down the house elf that made my favorite snacks; it was all the way across the house." Draco fibbed, confidence shining through him. Draco ate a cracker off of his tray, and mindlessly gave the other tray to Charlie, and flopped down cross-legged on the red armchair.

"You know, Charlie," Draco started through a mouthful of crackers, but the effects of Draco's love potion had already begun in Charlie, and Charlie blinked dreamily at him. Draco had to repress a shudder as he sickeningly smiled at him.

"Draco, You are the world to me," He breathed hopelessly.

Eugh, cheesy! So cheesy! Draco stared awkwardly at Charlie, but remembered that even though Charlie's mind was already affected with the love potion, he still had some reasoning in him, so he had to play this smoothly. "Charlie," He smiled sweetly, uncrossing his legs.

"Yes, my love?" Charlie blinked.

"Come here, why don't you?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow. Charlie jumped up, like a kid receiving a present, and threw his arms around Draco's neck, leaping into his lap.

"Draco, I love you so so much!" He squealed, and Draco almost rolled his eyes.

"I know, honey, I know." Draco kissed Charlie's cheek. Harry, Harry, pretend you're kissing your Harry. This is for your Harry. He told himself silently over and over again. He needed to work quickly. "Charlie, I need you to do something for me, okay?" Draco tried to say, but Charlie had pressed his eager lips to his. Draco's senses went haywire, and he felt disgusting, but he kept kissing Charlie to keep his appearance up. Charlie pulled Draco toward him more, away from the backrest, his tongue suddenly flicking into his mouth. Draco was so surprised, his reflexes accidentally pushed Charlie off the chair.

Charlie lay unmoving for a second, but then- "Ouch." Charlie had sat up, rubbing the back of his head. "What the hell happened?"

Shit. The potion had worn off because Charlie hit his head on the floor. Draco had to think impossibly fast. "I don't bloody know!" He paused. "It must have been that house elf! It's always resented me."

"It poisoned our food? I'm going to slaughter it!" He snarled, and Draco inched away from him in his chair.

"Leave it to me." He feigned anger and grabbed his glass goblet, about to take a sip of water before storming out of there. Almost instantaneously, an idea popped into his head. He looked down to the floor. The rug had been folded over when Charlie fell. Perfect.

He stood up, pretending to be in a boiling rage, and purposely tripped on the rug, smashing the goblet in his hand underneath him as he fell to the ground. It bled all over, the glass shards impaled in his skin. Let's hope he can't do a good healing spell.

"Agh! Bloody rug," he spat, clutching his hand, which was really in quite a lot of pain because this time he was not acting.

As planned, Charlie came rushing over, wand at the ready. "Merlin, Draco! look at all that glass in your hand! I can try to heal it, but I don't know how to get embedded objects out."


"Just give me the bloody wand, I don't want glass stuck in my hand forever, and I can do that spell." Malfoy cried out, and a flicker of doubt crossed Charlie's face. "What? I'm not going to hex you." He scoffed, and Charlie reluctantly handed him his wand.

And that's exactly what he did. He petrificus totalus'd the shit out of him.

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