Chapter IV

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****year 2*******
"Mister Malfoy, I presume you have found Miss Granger like this?" Professor McGonagall rushed to Hermione's side, her robes fluttering behind her in a swirling effect.

Draco looked up, his face ghostly, but yet he quickly covered up his emotions. "Yes professor, I was just reading my book as the reflection of the sunlight from her mirror had caught my eye. I swear, I didn't harm her."

"I am quite sure that you didn't, Mister Malfoy. Now, go and round up Mister Weasley and Mister Potter as we bring Miss Granger to the hospital wing." Professor McGonagall ordered as the other teachers hurried in to take Hermione to the hospital wing.

Draco got to his feet and ran. Harry had always told him that he ran extremely quietly, and now Draco could tell that his dainty feet barely made a tap on the stone castle floor.

"I do hope that Professor Sprout's mandrakes are nearly ready." He heard Professor McGonagall say to the others from a distance.

Draco silently wished that Harry and Ron would already be returning from Hagrid's Hut, so he wouldn't have to run that far. He knew that it took at least 15 minutes to get down to Hagrid's Hut. However, no matter what, Draco would make it there quickly.

The castle flew by Draco as he ran faster and faster. "Oi, snake! Watch it!" A Ravenclaw third-year glared at Draco as he accidentally brushed past him, making the other boy's books fall. No time for apologies, Draco thought as he began to tire, and was gasping for more air as he ran.

"Look, Ron, Hagrid definitely knew something back there. We'll need to see..." Harry's voice drifted off as a whitish figure whizzed past him.

"Blimey! That bloke can run fast!" Ron paused, but not giving it another thought as he began to keep on walking.

"Ron, you twat! It's Draco, hold up." Harry exclaimed as he shouted, "Draco!"

The silver-blonde haired boy stopped, and nearly toppled over. Luckily, Harry was close enough to grasp Draco's hand to prevent him from falling.

"Thanks," Draco muttered a brief apology, obviously quite tired.

"What's wrong?" Ron asked, over his small feud with Draco earlier.

"It's... Her-Hermione...w-was at-ttacked....petrified......" That was all that Harry could understand that Draco had said.

*****current year, year 5*****

Draco stumbled on a stair when he way making his way to Divination with Harry. His book clattered to the floor, and Harry quickly swooped to pick it up as he noticed the blank expression on Draco's face. "Are you alright, Dray?" Harry asked, his nose scrunching a little bit.

He regained his balance and sighed after remembering when Hermione was petrified. "Yeah, I'm alright- wait? Did you just call me Dray?"

Harry blushed, his green eyes swimming with embarrassment and shock. "Uhm, it was a heat of the moment thing, never mind..."

Draco whipped around, looking straight at Harry, his emotions showing through his mask. He smiled faintly and murmured, "Harry, really, I like it."

Harry's smile returned to his face. "Alright, Dray,"

"Don't push your luck." Draco grumbled, but raised an eyebrow and smirked. Harry tried to suppress a grin, but soon they were laughing too hard as try entered the Divination classroom with the all-too familiar voice of Professor Trelawney.

"Open your minds, expand your hearts, and you will find endless beginnings, endless possibilities, and most of all, endless hope. For this is Divination, my dears."

Harry looked back at Draco and quickly smiled. Harry tried to suppress a giggle, he really did, but Trelawney heard him. "Harry, dear, will you come to the front of the classroom to demonstrate, please?" Professor Trewlaney asked, her voice a little wobbly. Her giant glasses made her eyes look huge, ginormous white and blue spheres of nervous, jittery eyes would dart across the classroom. Her hair was almost as bad as hermione's her first year. Draco grinned and bit his lip at that thought. Scratch that, Trelawney's hair was much worse. Harry looked back at Draco, shaking his head as Trelawney made him sit down in front of the crystal ball.

"Now Harry, I want you to place your hands on the globe," she smiled, guiding his hands to cover the globe. "And see students, how the sphere causes connections to be made throughout it? It can tell the future."

"Or it can tell when someone's a bloody fake," a snicker echoed throughout the room, and Harry suspected it was Draco. Trelawney sighed and ignored it, and put her own hands on the globe.

"I see..." She started, but paused, and then Draco saw from the back of the classroom that Trelawney started to go into shock, her body seizing and her eyes rolling to the back of her head. The whole class was in panic, but soon it was over. Trelawney took a few shaky breaths whilst she said. "Well , for once, the future wasn't vague."

"What did you see, professor?" Harry asked, perplexed. Professor Trelawney looked embarrassed.

"Nothing nothing, it doesn't matter."

"Didn't look like nothing!" Seamus Finnegam blurted out, and Harry himself grew embarrased. What did the professor see? Draco was still almost hyperventilating, he wondered if Harry had felt any of that seizure that Trelawney had. What the bloody hell did she see? Was it a bad thing? What if Harry was going to die soon?

Trelawney brushed off her madly colours robes and looked at Seamus. "It's his personal life, I have no right to interfere."

"You already did. What did you see?" Harry growled, now frustrated. But Trelawney said nothing as she dismissed the class, and Harry had a weird feeling inside of him. He caught up with Draco, and Draco made a weird face.

"What?" Draco asked, obviously noticing Harry's irritation.

"She wouldn't tell me." He complained.

"Maybe it would interfere with the future," Draco suggested, and he smiled.

"For some damn reason I can never stay mad at anyone when we're together, do you know that?" Harry mumbled, obviously ending his frustration.

Draco hoped his theory was correct. He hoped that the reason why Harry couldn't stay mad around him was because of what he thought it was. He grinned, and linked arms with Harry after breaking eye contact with Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived.

Of course, to Draco, he was just Harry.

Just Harry.

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