Chapter XV

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As Draco slept in Harry's arms, he dreamed of the triwizard tournament, when Harry had face that Hungarian Horntail. Of course, there weren't just Hogwarts students there, so he couldn't talk to Harry, Ron, or Hermione. He had been sitting in the bleachers with Pansy and Blaise. He had a front row, of course he did and when the first champion entered the arena. It was that Hufflepuff, Cedric Diggory, and when Draco saw what they were up against, he nearly fainted. "They have to go against DRAGONS?!"

"Drake, calm down. Look at you- you're shaking. People are staring." Pansy muttered. Draco quieted, but still remained pale and tense. Pansy was really the only Slytherin friend Draco had. She really understood him, and even though she basically looked like a hungry pug, he loved her to death. Pansy was the sister that Draco never had.

"Right." Draco cleared his throat, and finally, after all the other champions had finished, the Hungarian Horntail appeared.

"Oh Merlin," Pansy whispered in horror as she saw that Draco hadn't notice a very nervous looking Harry step out into the arena. Draco didn't see Harry for a moment, but when he did, he nearly launched himself off of the railing toward Harry. Pansy had to fully restrain Draco and he kicked and cussed like a sailor until she finally managed to get him to sit down. Still, Draco clinged onto Pansy's hand like she was made of clay, and she grimaced as she held back the pain from it. Suddenly, Draco heard the dragon roar and soon Harry's fire bolt came soaring through the air, and Harry caught it, jumping onto it as he soared higher and higher. The dragon's chain snapped viciously, and Draco felt his nails dig deeply into his skin as the dragon took off after Harry.

"Aren't they going to do something?" Draco screamed as he gestured to the loose dragon chasing after Harry. Pansy tried to get Draco to relax as much as possible, but Draco had slipped from her grasp and ran over to the railing again, holding his binoculars. He saw the dragon fall, and he saw Harry fall. Before he could react, Harry came flying over the ridge, and dove for the golden egg.

Right after Harry had left the arena, Draco bolted for the tents. "Harry!" He tried to whisper, but it came out desperately. He saw Harry, and when he got to Harry, he hugged him so tightly that he could scarcely breathe. Harry winced as the scrapes on his arms and face were crushed. "Sorry," Draco stepped back sheepishly, "I was just so terrified! I mean, surely Dumbledore should not be letting you compete! You're 14 for merlin's sake." Draco inspected Harry's arms, all cut up and burnt from the dragon and from falling. After a quick spell, they were fixed. He was about to say something to Harry, but he heard voices coming, so he dove out the backside of the tent and slipped away.

Draco woke up, his head in Harry's lap. Harry had been stroking his hair, but he had fallen asleep. He took steady breaths as the sudden memory of the triwizard tournament receded, and he calmed more. After being in this cell for a few days, he was filthy with dirt and mud, and exhausted from the lack of sleep. From what he heard, Voldemort had already taken residence at his house, and Harry was in so much danger. He had no clue why he hadn't killed Harry yet, but thank Merlin for that.

Draco let Harry sleep. He crept away from him slowly, and leaned against the far wall near the door. There was a small amount of food left there; he and Harry would share it once he woke up. He closed his eyes, wondering how the deatheaters got into hogsmeade, and how foolish they were.

"Draco. Come with me." A voice whispered from behind the door, and it creaked open slowly. Draco opened a cautious eye to see his mother, Narcissa, standing there.

"What do you want, Narcissa." Draco grumbled effortlessly, and shut his eyes again.

"I want to talk," she whispered, her voice strained and tired. He peered at her, and saw a very different person than the one he called his mother. Her hair was unbrushed, her eyes sunken and glossy, and Draco couldn't help but feel shaken by her appearance. Draco sighed in defeat as he stood and walked out of the dungeon. She brought him to his old room, the room dusty and untouched, and she flicked her wand to start the fireplace.  "Draco, honey. Why must you do this?"

Draco said nothing as he sat in the armchair, sitting with his feet tucked under him. Narcissa waved her wand and did a quick cleaning spell, and the dirt and grime lessened from Draco's face, and Draco rubbed his face self consciously. "What do you see in him? Enough to abandon your own family."

"I see hope. You know who will lose, and I'm not going down with him. I've chose my side, and I've chosen it a while ago." Draco sighed. "I just wish that you would choose the right side and not live in fear."

"Some people aren't that strong." Narcissa murmured, and stroked Draco's hair. "But I need you to come back to us."

"Did you not hear what I just said?" Draco glanced down in disappointment.

"I did. But if you don't, he will kill Harry."

"He will anyway, if we're stuck in here," Draco said with difficulty as tears slipped out of his silver eyes.

"He's not ready to kill him yet. But if you refuse to be of his service, he will kill him now." Narcissa stood up, and put the fire out. She gave one look back at Draco before she began to leave the room.

"What do I need to do?" Draco asked, his voice wavering.

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