Chapter VIII

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****current year, year 5*****
Draco sat next to Harry on the sofa in the Gryffindor common room. Every Gryffindor had become accustomed to Draco being in there, and that wasn't going to change soon. There was a lingering silence between Harry and Draco, and they knew that Ron and Hermione knew it too.

"Look, Harry," Hemione started, and Draco quickly fastened a glare at her with wide eyes. "Good luck on the quidditch match tomorrow!" She plastered a fake smile. Harry instantly slouched in his seat.

"I'm banned from Quidditch, 'Mione" Harry muttered.

"What? Well surely not for long." Draco said hopefully.

"The entire school year."

"The..." Draco stuttered. "Surely not..." The whole year? But, Harry's the reason why I play Quidditch! Draco thought, looking flustered.

"Yeah," Harry said, looking dejected. The common room got silent after a while and soon, Hermione and Ron had turned in for the night.

"Harry," Draco said suddenly, looking up from his book.

"Yeah?" Harry responded, still gazing sullenly at the fire.

"What do you think about-- hold up, what's that on your hand?" Draco asked suddenly.

"Nothing." Harry tried to pull away, but Draco snatched his hand.

"I must not tell lies? Is this what that sick, twisted, psychopath of a woman has been making you do?" Draco traced over the scar, explicit concern written on his face.

"It's not a big deal."

"It is a big deal! I'm going to bloody kill that bitch! We're going to see Dumble-"

"Dumbledore isn't here, Dray! There's nothing we can do." Harry cut him off, but he felt a wave of happiness rush over him as Draco fussed over him.

"We'll go see Professor Snape." Draco decided.

"He hates me! And I'm not particularly fond of him either, especially if we're to wake him up in the dead of night." Harry protested, but Draco dragged him along, down the long staircases.

"Children out of bed? Naughty." A voice rang out above them in the hallway.

Harry and Draco both looked at each other with the same expression. "Peeves." They bolted for the nearest door, and locked it shut until Peeves would go away. The room was pitch black, and it was small. Draco discovered that there were old mop buckets and brooms scattered across the impossibly small cupboard.

"A broom closet? Well sure brings back old memories for you doesn't it, Potter?" Draco snarled as he wiped away some cobwebs in the very small room. He regretted it. He knew Harry hard bringing up those pathetic cowards, and Harry didn't deserve that pathetic excuse of a family. "Harry..." he paused, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" he started blubbering, but Harry quieted him, putting a finger on Draco's lips. Draco jumped at the sudden touch, and he could feel the heat of Harry's finger against him, but before he could react, harry dropped his hand, leaving all trace of the fact that Harry had touched his mouth. He pouted to himself, and he was growing increasingly nervous that he would have a... problem in here. Because Harry was extremely close to him. Extremely.

"Look, we're just waiting for Peeves to leave...." Harry trailed off as he turned around by found himself very close to Draco. He felt Draco's breath hitch.

"Harry?" Draco asked.

Harry tried to back up as much as he could, but Draco had him pinned against the wall. "Y..yes?"

"I saw the pensive in Dumbledore's office, with the memory of you talking to him your third year about..."

"....oh," was all that Harry said, his breaths short.

"I just wanted to say that I feel the same way, Harry" Draco murmured, only a few centimeters from Harry now.

"Draco," Harry whispered, his lips brushing Draco's jaw, and Draco responded by turning toward Harry and softly pressing his lips to Harry's. Harry wrapped his arm around Draco's waist and pulled him even closer, and Draco slammed his hand against the wall to stabilize himself. Draco pulled his lips away from Harry's traveling to behind his ear, and Harry shuddered.

"You liked that, Potter?" Draco murmured, and Harry sighed.
They stopped kissing, completely out of breath. "I think this is the start of something great, don't you?"

Draco agreed wholeheartedly as they stumbled out of the closet, no pun intended, and went to see their professor.

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