Chapter XXVIII

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Words can't even describe how awfully sorry I am. Truly. I was battling some hardcore depression and self esteem issues but as of rn i'm goooood so.. Here. Sorry if it's not satisfying enough for the wait, but i tried.

Harry sat outside of the hotel on a bench, watching the muggles walk by. It's funny, really, to see them and just know that they're so unaware and consumed in their own muggle lives to see that there's a whole other world out there. Of course, Harry lived in this world until he was eleven. It was hard for him to imagine a world without Hogwarts or magic anymore.

Harry and Draco were managing to keep the concealment spell up around them, every once in a while they would have to repair it a little bit, but it seemed to hold up well.

Draco came up from behind Harry and sat next to him. There was a long, awkward, yet much needed silence before either of them said anything. The silence hung in the air like a dense fog, and after a while, Draco cleared his throat. "Harry?"

"Yeah, Draco?"

"What was it like, living as a muggle? I mean, I know you were treated like rags by those awful Dursleys, but what was it like without magic?" Draco asked, kind of stumbling on the words, afraid that Harry would get upset at the mention of those disgusting people.

"It was cold, and lonely too. I don't really remember much about it anymore, but i do remember that when I found Hogwarts, the world wasn't black and white anymore."

"It was a gay ass rainbow," Draco smirked, and Harry glared sarcastically.

"A bit anti-climatic if you ask me," Harry muttered under his breath, and Draco kissed his forehead, right below his messy black hair. He got up and offered a hand to Harry to help him up as well. Harry leaned in close to his slender face and planted a quick, sweet kiss on his nose.

It was fun, for a while at least, living like a muggle.

Maybe they'd miss Hogwarts eventually, but in the meantime, they were going to find a place to eat.

(wait a second, how would you even find the local restaurants without a smartphone? Like, maps don't show that...Maybe the yellow pages? But that's American. Huh. Like no thank you, i feel very generic blonde right now, oopsie)

Harry and Draco walked down the very busy muggle streets, holding hands and staying close together so they wouldn't get separated. After a while of weaving throughout the crowds, they finally came upon a restaurant that looked like it would be acceptable to Draco's tastes.

"I refuse to eat in some raunchy muggle tavern," he sniffed, and Harry said nothing of it, but raised a curious eyebrow.

The waiter brought them into the restaurant, seating them at a two person table. Harry had never been to a formal muggle restaurant before- if in fact he had only been to a deli three times in his life.

It's not like muggle restaurants were so different from places like the three broomsticks or other wizard restaurants, but the idea itself was pleasing. Harry would finally be able to experience the life he missed out on growing up.

Draco reached for Harry's hand across the table, wrenching him away from his thoughts. "So, Harry dear, I was thinking," Draco said sweetly as he batted his eyes.

"I know what you're doing, Dray," Harry couldn't help but smile. "What do you want?"

"Can we go suit shopping? It'll be so much fun!" Draco blurted, and Harry rolled his eyes and laughed.

"In all s(irius)ness, I don't think it's the greatest idea, I mean, our money is rather low and the suits you tend to like are rather expensive... I'm just saying that we should spend our money on more important stuff."

"Oh," Draco looked crestfallen, and put on a pout.

"Besides, we should start looking for Hogwarts soon."

"Yeah," Draco looked to the floor, disheartened. "I mean, I knew at some point that we were going to have to get back to Hogwarts, but do we really have to rush? I like it here," Draco admitted sheepishly.

"Come on Dray, everyone's probably looking for us, and we can't hold this concealment spell up forever," Harry rubbed the back of Draco's porcelain hand subconsciously, looking into his bright silver eyes.

"You're right," Draco sighed in defeat.

"But i suppose," Harry said reluctantly, "a little bit of shopping wouldn't do much harm."

Draco's face lit up like a fireworks display as he reached across the table and kissed Harry on the cheek excitedly. The waitress came to take their order, and Harry ordered a french dish that sounded rather fancy, but was yet still cheap.

Draco giggled as Harry took a bite of his food and gagged, spitting it back onto his plate as a reflex. "That's bloody disgusting! What is that?"

"That, my dear Harry, is testacles," Draco said as calmly as he could, but broke out laughing uncontrollably. "I just wanted to see your face when you tried it,"


Harry sat up in the bed in their hotel, flipping through the channels with the remote. Draco rested his head on his lap, watching the fascinating muggle box switch pictures just from the click of a button that wasn't even connected to it! Muggles made no sense.

Then again, neither did wizards.

Draco liked to think that of all the things that actually did make sense in the wizard world, Harry and him topped everything.

Nothing made more sense than them.

Nothing was more perfect.

Draco snuggled up closer into Harry's waist as these beautiful thoughts raced through his brain.

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