Chapter XXX ;)

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Draco held Harry's hand as they strolled down the cobblestones, looking for muggle shops that would carry the supplies they needed for disguises. A few muggles sneered over at them, and while Harry chose to ignore it, Draco was itching to take out his wand and hex them. His hand was poised temptingly over where his wand was concealed, but Harry shot him a glance, shaking his head. "You're better than them," Harry smiled, and Draco clenched his jaw and forced himself to smile.

Muggles, Draco thought. Disgusting.

"Here we are," Harry muttered as they approached a shop with a pair of large muggle scissors on the sign. Draco pushed the door open, and a little bell rang out as the door shut quickly.

"What can I do for you two today?" A small woman chirped, her hair pinned back with many clips, setting one hand in an apron tied around her waist, the other holding a broom she was using to clean up. Her face had freckle scattered across it, and she seemed no older than twenty. Other than her, the shop was empty, and all of the shades were down on the street windows

"I need to look like a different person," Harry said, "and so does he."

"You better not be on the run," She stated. "Where are your parents?"

"It doesn't really matter," Harry brushed off the question. "We just have bad people after us and I'd appreciate not dying today. We're trying to make our way back home."

"I see," She blinked slowly. "And how did you get yourself into this predicament?"

"My father is one of the people after us. They're trying to kill him," Draco piped up, and she pursued her lips as if she was unsure that she wanted to get into this.

"Shitty parents, I've been there," she shrugged. She looked over to Harry. "Are your parents part of this too?"

"My parents are dead," Harry supplied somberly, and her eyes darted away awkwardly.

Draco cleared his throat. "Look, can you just help us? We'll pay you double the amount," he supplied. She nodded, leaning the broom against the wall.


She ended up cutting Harry's black mob of hair long on the top and short on the sides, dying the tips a lighter shade of brown. His hair flopped over softly on the top, gently swooping down and framing his face.

She dyed Draco's hair dark blue, almost indigo, and gelled the front while the rest lay fluffy and natural. The dark indigo contrasted from his pale skin so much that it almost seemed as if it had become day and night; his hair the night sky, and his porcelain skin the daylight.

Harry couldn't keep his eyes off of him. He knew well that opposites attract, but he didn't know it could be so attractive. Damn, Draco was was a mix two perfectly opposite breathtaking creations that would never meet in the entire span of their lifetime, for the stars will not show when the sun is out, and when the stars shine, the sun is tucked away, shining on a whole different part of the world. His eyes matched his hair closely, the color appearing to be a thick, rich, mercury, reflective of every single thing that Draco could see. Of course, it made Draco look darker, and a little bit evil, but even if it reflected his personality, Harry would much rather prefer him revealing it to him instead of locking it up deep inside, like he did for his whole life. Maybe Draco didn't know, but this was a way to get a fresh start, no matter how small.

The girl cleared her throat, and Harry's eyes shifted from Draco over to the girl. "Now I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure your glasses and that scar of yours will make it pretty easy for them to recognize you,"

"You're right," Draco agreed, but he kept his eyes on Harry while he talked.

"I have some makeup in my purse, and there's an eye clinic down the street. Perhaps you could pick up some contacts," She suggested. "Plus, they'll bring out your eyes," She said to Harry, and then smiled at Draco as she saw his eyes focused on Harry.

"Thank you,"

"Mara," She replied. "My name is Mara,"

"Thank you Mara, we really appreciate your help," Harry said, and Draco nodded.

"Of course," She smiled and went over to the back to get her purse. In a few seconds she came back, holding a bottle of skin coloured liquid and a flat brush. "This is foundation," She explained. "It'll cover up your scar,"

Harry nodded as she faced him, dipping the brush in the foundation and spreading it across his forehead. "How'd you get this strange scar anyway?" She asked inquisitively, eyebrows furrowed as she focused on covering up the mark.

"I was a baby," Harry explained, and she nodded in understanding, knowing not to ask any more. Turning to face the vanity behind her, she grabbed some powder and a large brush. She dusted it lightly over the foundation. She finished the makeup, and offered a hand to help Harry up.

Harry took her hand and stood up, looking into the mirror, looking more put together than he had in his entire life. Draco came over to him, his mouth curved into a small smirk, the classic facail expression looking completely different with an array of blue hair instead of platinum blonde. He paid Mara double the amount, just as they promised, with a large tip as well. "We really should be going now," Draco said, setting the money on the counter without looking back at her as they walked toward the door of the shop. He held his arm across the small of Harry's back, gently cupping the side of his hip.

"No problem," she whispered softly, and hung her apron on a hook. As Harry was about to reach for the door, Draco stopped, reached for his wand, and whipped around, tucking Harry behind him with the hand that gripped his waist

"Obliviate," He gritted his teeth after he said it inexplicably fast.

"Draco!" Harry shouted. "What are you doing? Stop!"

The spell was done, and the girl would have no recognition of them.

"It had to be done," Draco said securely. "We couldn't risk exposure,"

"You did not have to do that," Harry said crossly, whipping the door open and marched out, and Draco grabbed the money without Harry noticing and quickly followed him. She wouldn't know what the money was for anyway, and Draco justified it by the fact that they needed it more.

"Harry, come on!" Draco pouted. "You know it was for the best,"

"Okay, so what if it was? You could have told me what you were doing beforehand. All I could picture was you murdering that poor woman in cold blood with Voldemort in your manor. Now I know I didn't see it, but I sure as hell heard it, and it painted a pretty good fucking picture, Draco." Harry stopped, and it started lightly misting, rain clouds drifting into the sky as it turned into dusk.

"I... I'm sorry Harry," Draco looked taken aback.

That surprise was overcome by a sudden rush of rage, and Draco's eyes turned steely cold, as if they were ice, and he snapped like a twig. "Don't you think it haunts me? That I killed someone? It plagues me every single second of every day since it happened, and this disgusting, writhing, black mark on my forearm reminds me of it even more. You're my only distraction from it. Harry. I did it to save you. I did it so we would survive," He pleaded.

By now, it was thundering, and rain jutted down like knives, every drop stabbing them, the force strong and overpowering. Harry's hair had fallen flat and the makeup began to wash off, and his eyes revealed layers upon layers of hidden pain, the sudden realization of all the horrific things they had done.

"Draco, what I saw back there, that side of you, it scared me," Harry whispered, his voice cracking. "I never wanted anyone to get hurt because of me," Harry ran into the crowds of people before Draco could react, engulfed in swarms of hundred of muggles holding up umbrellas to stay dry. Draco tried to follow, but it was no use, Harry had disappeared within the mobs of people.

Harry was gone, and Draco was left standing alone in the pouring rain as lightning raged throughout the indigo sky.

The Dark Legacy (a drarry story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant