Chapter XXXI

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APPRECIATION POST: <3 Thank you so so much to all of my followers and readers who got my story to over 54 K READS! I never imagined to have nearly that many reads on my fanfic. I expected it to go nowhere, and even though I'm busy as hell, I'm working on these upcoming chapters.


Or don't, I don't control you. ;)


Harry sat alone underneath the edge of a rooftop, watching the rain pour down only a few inches in front of him, soaking the tips of his shoes.

He was alone and miserable.

I guess it's better that way.


He searched relentlessly for Harry for hours.

"Harry?" Draco called out, running hopelessly throughout the dark city, nearing the end of his sanity, his heavy mop of indigo hair completely drenched, shrouding his face. He leaned against a brick wall in complete exasperation, gasping for air. He clawed his fingers through his hair in frustration, the gripping pressure of it pulling from his skull, wand held up intertwined between a mess of tense fingers and foreign blue hair. Pushing his hair back, he sighed, slicking it back like his father would do. Like he used to do.

In a fit of resentment, he screamed, throwing his wand onto the darkened cobblestone, it clattering to the ground followed by a long, regretful silence.

"Fuck," he whispered, crouching to the ground to pick it up. It appeared undamaged, but he had a Malfoy's temper, and lately he saw that Harry was getting more and more worried about that fact. In all honesty, he should be.

A Malfoy should never be trusted.

***3rd year***

Draco was sitting in potions class, fiddling with his quill as Professor Snape filled the chalkboard with white letters, the cursive letters nearly illegible from the distance. He sighed, and began absentmindedly drawing in his potions book, scribbling in a small drawing of a snitch. Snape called him out for not paying attention, making him jump in surprise. He heard a sharp snap, and looked down to find that he had broken his quill in half. As he got sidetracked, he lost track of time, and soon enough people were rushing out of their seats to get out of Snape's dreaded classroom. He got up and shuffled slowly out of the room, books gathered in his arms. He was the last one out, and as he was closed the door to the potion's room, he noticed one of the Patil sisters drop something. She didn't notice, and kept on scurrying down the hallway with her friends to her next class.

Draco picked it up, inspecting the small object. It was a quill, but it was encrusted with jewels and looked rather fancy. Instead of feather, it was adorned with golden strands. Deciding that she wouldn't come back for it, he pocketed it and kept moving.

"Cool quill," Harry said nonchalantly, approaching with Ron and Hermione.

"Thanks. I found it," Draco said. "I don't know who's it is, though," he lied without meaning to.

"Well, it can't hurt to keep it if they're not missing it, right?" Ron smirked.

It turns out, she was missing it, asked for it the next day before class started, and when she asked around the classroom if anyone had seen it, Draco shook his head in unison with everyone else. Harry and Ron were running late, and Hermione sat in the back of the room, head buried in a rather thick book.

"It's a family heirloom. My mother would be so hurt if she found out I lost it," She pleaded. They shrugged and wished her for the best, dispersing and heading for their seats with a pang of sympathy for her.

What Draco didn't notice, was that while Hermione sat in the back of the room absorbed in her book, she kept one watchful eye on him as she watched him lie. She continued to do so throughout the entire lesson, planning on confronting him after the hour was up.

After class was over, Hermione caught up to Draco as they headed out the door. "Draco, why didn't you give Padma her quill back? It's obviously meaningful to her."

"I'm sorry Hermione," Draco looked ashamed. "I got nervous. She'd probably think that I stole it, and I panicked."

"I understand. You should talk to her, though. I'll come with if you want,"

"No, that's okay, I'll do it," Draco smiled reassuringly, and left Hermione to walk faster down the hall to catch up to Padma.

She was a few feet in front of him, and he called out to her. "Hey, Padma!"

She flipped around at him, obviously in a bad mood. "What do you want, snake? Just because the Golden Trio lets you trail after them like a lost puppy doesn't mean I'll tolerate you."

"I just, I wanted to tell you-" Draco stumbled. There were Slytherins nearby, and her sudden outburst had drawn attention to him. He couldn't show weakness, and he snapped, realizing he didn't want to help her. 

They say they don't discriminate against Slytherins, but no one will even give them a chance. The moment the sorting hat tells a child they're a Slytherin, they hear unsupportive peers cringe and glare at them as if they're some sort of a disease. 

Anger boiled up inside Draco until he blurted out something people would assume a Slytherin would say. "I wanted to tell you that you're a waste of space and a failure for losing something so important to your family. I especially, know the honor that I carry with my name, unlike losers like you."

You could see in her eyes that she cracked, her eyes looking up broken at him, holding back crystal-like tears, while Slytherins snickered at her in the distance. The hallway traffic continued to push past them, occasionally bumping her shoulder.  She shrunk to half her size, and looked up worthless at him. "Well, you've made your point, and I hope you're happy. Don't ever talk to me again," She threatened weakly, and held her books tighter, disappearing in the crowd. Draco caught a glimpse of a tear tracing down her face as she left, and he pulled his hand out of his robe, holding a golden quill. 

To this day, it remains in his night table, as an everyday reminder of who he truly is under the pressure of his family name.

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