Chapter 29

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"This was a lot of fun".

Korra and Asami stared out at the beautiful ocean view. They were sitting on a spot in the kingdom that just so happened to have the perfect view of the ocean.

Asami shifted her to head that was rested on Korra's head. She smiled and lifted her head, looking at Korra.

"Have you seen anything so breathtaking in your life??", Korra sighed, absolutely not noticing Asami looking right at her.

"Other than you of course", she added, not wanting to take her eyes off the view.

Asami smiled softly, her eyes roaming over Korra's face. Locks of brown hair ran over her broad shoulders. Her ocean blue eyes glistened in the light and shone brighter than the sun. Her tan skin was so flawless at that moment to Asami although she was aware of the permanent scars that littered her skin underneath her clothes.

"Yeah. I have".

Korra glanced over at Asami.


Asami stared at her for a moment. She leaned over and kissed Korra on the lips. She pulled away. Korra giggled.

"What was that for??", she asked.

Asami shrugged. "For you being you".

Korra giggled. "Well thank you, your highness- I mean Asami".

Korra giggled. "Sorry. I still forget sometimes".

Asami reached and took her hand.

"It's okay. I understand".

Korra looked down at the basket in her lap. She lightly placed her free hand on the white cloth. The bread was still pretty hot so it wouldn't go cold anytime soon. Asami also used her magic to ensure that Korra's new found favorite food wouldn't go cold. It wouldn't taste good cold.

"What now??", Korra asked. "We've seen everything from the bakery to the lake to the orphanage".

Asami thought about it.

"Let's go ask your father and see if there's anything in this kingdom he would to show us".

Korra gave a nod and the two stood up. They walked over to where Korra's parents were sitting close by.

"Mama, Dad", Korra called.

Her parents looked over their shoulders. They stood up as the girls walked up to them.

"I think we're ready to go", Korra said. "Is there anywhere in the kingdom that you want us to go see since I barely know anything about this kingdom??".

"Actually", Tonraq said. "There is. I want to take you girls to Snow mountain".

Korra furrowed her eyebrows. "Snow mountain??. That sounds familiar. Does it snow all the time there??".

The king gave a nod. "Yes, indeed. It snows all the time there. Let's go".

The four headed through the village. Korra waved goodbye to many people as they passed through the small kingdom.

"Bye Korra!!", kids called, smiling brightly.

Korra smiled at them and waved back.

"Bye", she said back with a wave.

They passed the town square where the music was still playing and a few people were dancing. A few of them stopped and waved at Korra and Asami.

The couple waved back and continued on. Asami grinned at Korra.

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