Chapter 28

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"No. I can't see into the future".

"Hey. It's possible".

Asami rolled her eyes. She looked out the window of the horse drawn carriage. They were arriving at the village.

Asami smiled. Korra had told her that they were far from a rich kingdom. Nowhere near as rich as her kingdom, but they thrived somehow. The carriage stopped right at the entrance of the village. The door was opened.

"After you", Korra said, gesturing to the door.

Asami smiled. "Thank you".

Asami climbed out of the carriage. She turned and held out a hand to assist Korra out of the carriage. Korra smiled and took her hand as she climbed out.

Asami and Korra looked around, smiling.
The place didn't look like a poor, dragged down kingdom, but the buildings could be better built. It was busy that day. A beautiful day it was too.

It looked amazing. Decorations were up all over the place, flags were put up with the royal family crest on them flew in the wind.

"Wow", Korra said, pulling up her blue hood slowly.

She looked over her shoulder to see her parents getting out of the carriage as well. Both had more simpler and more comfortable clothes. They decided last minute to leave their crowns off to blend in better.

Korra looked around at everyone, moving about their day, children playing, adults going places. There were so many things to see and smells.

"See Korra??".

Korra and Asami turned around. Korra's parents stood there.

"We'll just walk around and see the town", her mother said.

Then she got serious. "Stay with Asami and never go off on your own. I mean it. Anything could happen to a girl like you. Especially if you don't know your surroundings. Unspeakable things".

Korra nodded. She felt a hand in hers. She turned her head and saw Asami looking at her.

"I won't let her out of my sight", she said.

Korra smiled. She kissed Asami's cheek.

"I love you".

Asami smiled. "Cmon".

The four headed off into the village. Korra was looking around at the people.

"Can anyone here do magic, Dad?".

"No", Tonraq replied. "No one in the kingdom can. We only can control water".


Asami thought that was a shame and slightly concerned for these people. They didn't stand a chance with an army with magical powers. If their two kingdoms were to go to war, her kingdom would have a great advantage over Korra's.

Korra dragged her through the town, clutching her cloak with her other hand. There was music playing.

"Do you hear that??", She asked.

"Yes", Asami replied, looking around for the source of the music. It was beautiful. Sounded like an orchestra.

Korra loved it here already. She looked around at all the sights, a smile on her face. She noticed a few odd stares. She just smiled at them and continued on.

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