Chapter 12

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Asami examined herself in the mirror. She looked great. She wore a red slim gown. The short sleeves went past no furterh that her shoulders. It was flowy as well so Asami could fan it out. Her hair was accessorized with her golden tiara and jeweled hairpins.
Asami picked up her hand crafted mask. It was red and black. Jewels adorned the mask. It was beautiful.

Asami reminded herself to thank the seamstresses that worked on the whole thing. They did amazing. Asami tied her mask on.

Asami smiled, looking at her reflection. Once she was satisfied with herself she got up and walked out of her room. A guard was waiting in the hallway to escort her to the ballroom.

Asami smiled. "Of course"..

They headed down the hall. The castle halls were extremely quiet since everyone was in the ballroom.

Asami noticed that she hadn't seen Korra yet. She wondered what she would look like.

Honestly, Korra always looks beautiful.

Asami smiled to herself. They arrived at the ballroom. Two guards were stationed out the doors. They bowed.

"Your highness", one man said.

The guards opened the doors. Asami smiled.

"Thank you", she said before walking into the ballroom.

Asami was in awe of the scene. The ballroom was decorated from top to bottom. Tables and chairs were set up. Asami could tell the place had been thoroughly cleaned. There were a ton of people there, probably from all over. Royals, no doubt. People were conversating, dancing, eating. It was quite a party.


Asami turned looked to her left. She smiled when she saw Opal, Bolin, Mako, and Jinora walking her way. She met up with them.

"This ball is so cool", Bolin gushed. "It's so loud and bright. The food is amazing. Thanks so much for the clothes".

Asami looked at Mako and Bolin's outfits. They both had on suites with their signature color. Red for Mako and green for Bolin. Asami had her seamstresses make the suites as a gift to the brothers for the occasion. She was glad to know that she could invite them to the ball so she'd have at least some friends to be comfortable around if it didn't turn out the way her parents wanted it to.

"I'm glad you came", Asami said, relief in her voice. "And you all look amazing".

Opal spotted something over Asami's shoulder.

"I see your mom", she said.

Opal grinned. "Don't look now but, look now".

Asami raised an eyebrow. She turned to see what Opal was looking at.

Asami froze.

Her mother was walking towards then, with none other than Korra.

Korra was breathtaking. She was wearing a baby blue dress that had white designs on the top part. It was simple but way more elegant than her normal worn out and dirt stained clothes. She had on a blue and silver mask and a necklace that matched it. Her long brown hair was let down and obviously had been brushed and slightly styled. She also had her skirt apron on over her dress. Asami guessed it was so people could at least recognize her as a servant.

They approached the group. Korra smiled at Asami. She bowed.

"Princess Asami".

Korra looked over Asami's outfit.

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