Chapter 3

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Sorry for the long delay. It's been a crazy week. Enjoy :)

Asami's POV

Today was the day that my servant would be here. Although I still really, really didn't like it, it was going to happen.

I stare at my reflection as I got ready for the day. My dad told me to dress as "regal" as I could today. I guess it was so that our new servants would be intimidated by my power as their princess or something. I'd just have to ask him when I see him.

I brush my hair thoroughly. My dark hair was shiny and freshly washed. I liked my hair. Everyone tells me it's my best physical feature.

I stare at myself. I felt nervous. I'm not sure why but I do.

I hope I make a good first impression. I hope they like me. What if they don't take me seriously??. What if I become a horrible person to them?? What are they like??. Are they dangerous??

I stop myself at that question.

My father would never put someone that was dangerous as my servant. He wouldn't put me in danger like that.

I shake my head.

"I am definitely thinking too much about this".

I pick up my gold crown that was resting on a small velvet pillow on my vanity. I hardly wore it except on speacial occasions or when either my parents told me to. I look at my reflection. I place the crown on my head, making sure it wasn't lopsided or messing up my hair. I readjusted it a few times until I thought it looked right.

Taking a step back I look at myself in the mirror. I grab one of my perfume bottles and spray a good amount over me. Putting it down, I look myself over for anything that needed to be fixed. I did a once over and then exhaled.

I turn and walk out of my room. Once I was in the hallway, I was immediately met with a guard.

"Your highness", he said with a bow.

I stood up tall yet relaxed, my back straight.

"Hello", I said.

"Your father commanded me to escort you to the throne room".

I nod. "Very well. I have no problem with that".

The guard and me head to the throne room. The whole way there my head was just filled with thoughts. I wonder how this will turn out.

I silently took a deep breath and then exhaled. I felt much more calmer afterwards.

"Nervous, princess??", the guard asked.

I look at him.

"Just a little", I admit.

I wasn't afraid to admit being a little unsure about this. It was normal to feel this way.

"That's normal", the guard said.

See?? Told you.

We arrive at the throne room. Two guards were on post outside the double doors. They bowed when we approached them and I gave a nod of recognition. I adjust my dress and fix my hair.

When I was I thought I was good, I took a deep breath and stood up tall and poised.

"Ready", I say. "Open the doors please".

The guards open the crimson red double doors and I walk in as calmly as possible.

The guard and I walk into the throne room. I could see my parents already there with a group of people. They must be the slaves.

The Princess and The Servant Where stories live. Discover now