Chapter 20

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Asami slid the golden pin into place in her hair. Picking up the hairbrush, she brushed the hair down. She stated at her reflection the whole time.

Today was the ball. Asami was slightly nervous. She was rushing to get ready. Last time she went to a ball with Korra, Korra got kidnapped. This time would be different. She'd keep a close eye on Korra tonight. The king had put extra security at around the castle, especially in the ballroom.

Korra was going to be watched. If not by Asami or their friends, then by the king and queen themselves or guards.

Asami took a step back. She looked at her outfit. She wore a knee lengthed, short sleeved dress and white pants with black boots. Asami had her sword at the ready.

She didn't care about looking like a proper princess today. She only cared about keeping Korra safe at the ball. Of course she'd try to have fun with her friends and Korra and all but Korra came first.

Asami sprayed some perfume. She put the bottle down and looked in the mirror. She made sure her makeup was perfect and then walked out the door.

Asami stopped at the doorway when she saw King Tonraq standing there. He smiled.

"I'm here to escort you", he said. "Korra requested you not walk alone to the ball. She wanted you to have some company".

Asami smiled. "She did??".

The king nodded.

"She's very protective of you, you know".

"I know", Asami said.

"We'll meet her, her mother and your parents before we all go into the ballroom. Shall we??".

He held out his arm. Asami giggled. She linked their arms.


The two walked down the hall. It was quiet the first few minutes.

"You really seem to be protective of my daughter as well", King Tonraq said.

Asami looked at him.

"Why yes. I am".

"Is that why you have your sword??", he asked.

Asami looked down at her sword then back at the king.

"Yes, your Majesty. I won't let what happened last time happen again. I know you feel the same way".

"I do", the man said. "If I lost Korra again......".

His expression turned to sadness and greif.

"I don't think I or the queen could handle it".

"Don't worry, your Majesty", Asami said, stopping.

They both turned to eachother. Asami had a serious look on her face.

"I won't let anything happen to Korra. I promise".

The king smiled. "I knew I could count on you. Thank Asami. For everything. For bringing Korra back. She means the world to her mother and I. When we discovered she wasn't coming back, we were heartbroken. Her mother cried from weeks. Korra left a void in our hearts that nothing could fill. But thanks to you, she's back and we couldn't be happier".

Asami nodded.

"Come", the King said. "Let's not keep them waiting".

Asami nodded and they continued walking.

Asami and King Tonraq arrived at the main staircase which was outside the ballroom. Queen Senna and Asami's parents were there, dressed to impress.

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