Chapter 23?

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Guys leave a comment for things you want to see. I'm going to try and stray away from the typical information that is given in the beginning seasons of the show.
Lincolns point of view

I started packing everything I could find into my pack pushing it into the corner

I can't stay here for the fight, I need to get out of here I can't kill those who haven't harmed us.

It isn't right.

Images of Octavia pop into my mind as I start to worry about why she left.

I know that it is because of the commander. It has to be.

"Get out here you son of a bitch" I hear someone yell from outside

"Lincoln, show yourself" the voice yells again.

Whoever they are they sure are going to cause someone to find them. Especially out here.

"Lincoln!" He yells again.

I look out of the hole and see Octavia's brother standing in the distance searching for me.

I know I shouldn't go to him but if I don't someone will kill him and that would distroy Octavia. Yes she says she hates him most of the time but her brother is the one thing that kept her going and it would break her

I stand up from my cave and whistle at him grabbing his attention,

"There you are you piece of shit." He says running over to me with his fist clenched.

He swung at me causing me to duck and grab his arm twisting him into a chock hold.

"Not out here." I say dragging him into the cave.

Pushing him infront of me he stumbles and turns around facing me.

"How dare you. You want to protect her yet you fight with your people." He says coming for me again.

This time I let him punch me trying to show him that I'm not going to fight him

"She said we could trust you, she said she could trust you" and again punches me this time in the gut

"Bellamy, I'm not..." punch

"Don't even try to save your ass she heard you, she heard you say you will fight." His knuckles we're starting to turn white from the force he was clenching his fists

"Can you listen to me." I say standing up whipping the blood from my nose.

He goes to punch me but not before I grab his fist and push him away.

"I'm not fighting with them, I'm leaving this place. They know where I am and they threatened me to fight along side them. I don't follow their ways I haven't since they killed my mother... what your sister heard was me trying to save my life so I can save hers. And frankly I don't give a shit if you believe me or not but I'm leaving now and if I were you I would grab you people and do the same, or you can stay and fight." I grab my pack and put it on my back

"Tell Octavia I love her and I'll be waiting"

Here you go guys!!! Continue to vote and comment your thoughts!

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