Chapter 19

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Octavia's point of view

Clark is seriously the best. I didn't even think about the cave but I don't even care at this point I sort of just walked out of the front gate.

"Octavia your brother is going to be pissed if he finds out you're leaving" jasper said trying to stop me from leaving

"Good let him be mad" I say as I keep on walking starting to turning it into a jog

"OCTAVIA GET BACK HERE!" I here someone yell. It was probably one of bellamys little followers I hate those guys. I continue jogging hoping that no one was following me to lincolns place.

"Octavia what are you doing here." Lincoln said walking towards me bringing me into a hug. "Sorry I couldn't deal with Bellamy anymore and he can't stop me from coming here. I can't help being apart from you." I say pulling back taking in his presence.

"Well why don't you come inside its getting cold out." He says wrapping his hands around my waist kissing my neck.

We climb inside and cuddle up near the fire. "So what happened? If you don't mind me asking" Lincoln says playing with my hands

I looked up at him and gave a weak smile "he is just getting out of control with everything. And I'm sick of it, he kept me under the floor for 16 years and you would think that I could have some freedom but no I'm still that little girl who shouldn't be seen and needs to be protected. Like I'm tired of everyone thinking I'm just done weak girl who can't defend herself." I say sitting up putting my head in my hands frustrated

"You aren't weak. Not even close to being weak, look at you. Your so strong and brave and look at how beautiful you are. If I were your brother I would... No nevermind that's just weird to say. Look Octavia you have nothing to be mad about because it's your brothers way of showing he cares he may be an ass about it but he's worried. Your with this strong sexy guy" he says trying to be cute.

I'm not going to lie it's pretty cute seeing him trying to act all cocky. "Okay big strong man lets see what you can do"

He smirks and starts to tickle me pinning me to the floor "it's sexy strong guy to you my beautiful warrior princess"

"I hardly know how to fight so I don't think I'm a warrior." He stops and kisses my head

Lincolns point of view

I can't stop kissing Octavia she's just so cute and I could kiss those cheeks all day. I finally got her mind off everything and she fell asleep.

And her hair is just so silky and soft and I can run my hands through her hair for ever. Wait what am I saying I can't say these things I'm supposed to be a warrior not a wuss.

"No. No. Lincoln don't leave me please." Octavia starts to say in her sleep. "Shh sweet heart I'm right here." She bolts up from her sleep panting

"I'm right here." I say pulling her back down into my arms as she cuddles up into my chest "bad dream?"

She nods and sighs lightly "I don't think I can go back to sleep now." She says sitting up stretching her arms.

I place my hands on the showing skin from where her shirt lifted up. "What do you want to do." I ask sitting up pulling her into me.

"I know we can do but.." She says "but what?" I say wanting to hear what she had to say

"Well just girl problems." She says blushing. I have no clue what that means... Girl problems. "Okay that's fine." I say not wanting to sound like another guy that just wants sex.

She turns in my legs to face me. "I didn't say we could make out a little." She says smiling and pulling my lips to hers.

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