Chapter 6

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Lincolns point of view

I dont get it i just met octavia about a month ago and i already feel like i cant stand to be apart from her.

she has been sleeping with me for the last couple of days, but not in that way. i just mean like staying with me until she feel comfortable to confront her brother.

I kiss her forehead and she wakes up slowly "ill be back im just going to go and get some food and fire wood if you hear anythink you know where to hide" she nodded and i kissed her lips quickly then left

I got a bunch of wood so i think we will be fine on that now food. i hid in a bush and waited a while until i saw it.

the most beautiful deer ever. I threw my knife and hit it right in the chest

"Good shot my boy."i hear someone say.

I look behind my shoulder and see anya standing up against a tree. "why do you have so much wood. and you dont need a whole deer. what are you hiding."

I just look at her and raise an eyebrow "im not hiding everything its just i hate having to always come out and get more wood so i decided to grab alot this time so i dont have to go out as much. and as for the deer im going to store some of it for the same reasons"

She nodded and climbs on her horse. "call me if you need help boy." I smiled and grab my belongings heading back to my home.

When i got back the roof was moved and i heard noises inside "shit Octavia" I whispered. i climbed in and saw a warrior trashing my place.

"What the heck man. What are you doing." he growled

"Anya knows you are hiding something. and im going to find out what it is." I laughed at his remark as i realize who it is

"what are you doing here legit. i thought you left to the city of lights" i say pulling him into a hug

"Yeah but i almost got caught by the mountian men so i came back. and anya doesnt know could i stay here?" I look at him and frowned.

"I would totally say yes but i already have a house guest" he looks at me and mimics my frown the laughs.

"i already met your little girl friend or who ever she is. she scared the living shit out of me." I laughed

"Where is she?" I said looking around

"she hid in the wall because she felt safer there." i smiles and walked to the secret hiding spot i made her and knocked three times "octavia its me."

She opened the door and slowly came out pulling me into a hug. but then she looked at my friend and looked terrified "its okay hes a nice one."

"Yeah i wont hurt you." he said grinning

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