Chapter 8

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Bellamys point of view

I woke up feeling weird about last night. me and this super hot chick were making out when clark walked into my tent stared at us then stormed out. i didn't bother looking for her because she was hprobably just grossed out by the sight

Slowly i got dressed and walked out of my tent looking for food only to see clark sleeping on a rock curled up in a ball.

I walk over and observe her quietly no to wake her up. I notice tear stains on her cheeks and i start to worry.

Picking her up slowly i bring her back to my tent placing her under the blankets softly making sure she doesnt wake up.

I left again to find food since i didnt get any the first time around and i now saw finn up "have you seen clark?" I nod

"shhh i found her asleep on a rock and put her in my tent so she didnt get a cold" he sighed "bro you cant do that to her."

I give him a questionable look and say "what do you mean?"

"She likes you. Cant you see that?" I smack my hand to my head "is that why she came to see me yesterday?" He nods. "Dammit!!" I say a little to loud

"What?" I look at him "she camr into my tent while i was making out with some chick." Finn smacks my head "idiot!"

I rub the back of my head "how was i supposed to know dude...."

I turned around and took a couple backs of nuts from the bin then back to my tent to see clark awake rubbing her eyes

Clarks point of view

I woke up and i was no linger outside but in a tent. I had no clue where i was but i felt safe. I sat up rubbed my eyes they looked around and saw bellamy standing there staring at me.

"What am i doing here?" I saw "i saw you on a rock so i brought you here." I go to get up but he walks towards me "no dont go. why didnt you tell me" i look at the ground "tell you what?" He squats down and places a hand on my cheek. "You know what" i sigh "i was going to but you were with that girl and i just thought why would i ever think he would like me. So i left" he moves his hand under my chin and lifts it up

"im a dude i do stupid things sometimes. Its just i havent thought about you that way before." I look down. "I didnt say i didnt like you because look at you your beautiful. I just never thought of it"

I felt a sudden shock on my lips as I realize he has leaned in to kiss me.

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