Chapter 7

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Lincolns pov

I havent seen octavia around in a while. She used to stay here at nights and a while during the day but ever since my little pal of mine returned she hasnt been coming around as much anymore. Im kind of upset like who wouldnt be i like this girl and shes no longer coming to see me.

And is getting on my nerves. Like hes getting so annoying he always wants me to go everywhere with him. Like just go by yourself you're a warrior.

"Lincoln want to go hunting with me?" I shake me head.

"Im fine im going to go out later to get some air. Have some alone time"

He huffed and left. Finally!

I got up and started cleaning my cave because i was so bored. I wish Octavia was here with me now because i would just hold her in my arms.

I finished cleaning and roman got back from hunting so he made himself some food and sat by the fire.

"Im going to get my clothing on and im gonna head out. I wont be to late im just going on a walk to go see anya so she doesnt come here to check on me" he nodded his head and continued eating

"See you later"

I climbed out of my cave and walked around for a bit just thinking about Octavia and her smile.

I heard a crack from behind me so i turned around quickly to see roman. I jumped "jeez what are you doing."

He shrugged "i got bored." I shook my head "well anya will kill you if she sees you" he sighed "fine ill go back"

I just decided ill go through the tunnel octavia showed me to see if she is sitting there. I walked for what seemed like forever until i found the tunnel. Its a pretty good size. Big enough to crawl through on my knees. When i got to the other side octavia wasnt there so i just sat down and waited for her to come.

Octavias point of view

I havent found the strength to go back to lincolns cave ever since that night roman came to see lincoln.

All i remember was his sword pressing against my neck and him threatening me to stay away because he hates my kind.

I rub my neck just thinking about it. I know im hurting lincoln by not going but im to scared.

My thoughts got disturbed by clark walking i to my tent. " hey i thought you were going to go see lincoln tonight?" I shrugg and look at the ground.

If your wondering i told clark. Shes my only friend here that i can trust i didnt like her at first but once i got to know her i found her so nice.

"What happened" i look up at her and gave my fakest smile "nothing im just really tired right now." She nodded and sat down. "Here let me do your hair. You have twigs and dirt in it." I smile and turn so she can do it

"Clark." I say shyly

"Yeah?" I sighed "im not going to lincolns. He had a house guest and he doesnt like our kind. Like i dont even know what that means our kind? Because we are from space."

She turned my head "if lincoln really cares about you he will come see you. Yeah you told him its not safe here but he will come if he cares for you as much as you say he does."

I nod at her responce and let her continue. "I will probably just go for a walk later not to far. But can you cover for me?"

"Yeah i got your back dont worry."

I smile and she finishes my hair. "Thank you clark it means alot." She hugs me from behind "what are friends for"

I got a little bit of rest before i decided to go out for a walk. i am telling you im really paranoid right now. all i see when i look around is that guy standing there with his sword. but i kno hes not really there. i turned around and started walking back when i heard a noice.

I didn't bother turning around i just ran. fast.

I was almost at the gates when an arm wrapped around my waist and a hand was placed on my mouth.

"Shh its me." I relax as soon as i hear the sooth voice of lincoln.

He put me down and i turned aeound and held him close to me to scared to let go. "hey whats wrong. you're never afraid when you're out here. but you looked terrified" I didn't say anything i just stayed still

"You can tell me anything Octavia."

I sigh and look up at him. "its nothing i just thought it could be like a live animal." i said lying through my teeth.

"Here come on im going to take you back to my cave s..". "No" i say to quickly as i cut him off.

"I just dont really like your friend. its nothing but i dont know i just dont." he noddeds "thats fine lets go to the tunnel" i nod and take his hand walking beside him keeping an eye out


Hey so i forgot what lincolns friend in the show was called so i just made it roman, unless that is it but whatever. next chapter im going to add a bellark scene in to juice it up

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