Chapter 13

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Clarks point of view

Once bellamy told me octavia had "the package" in our tent i knew i definitely wasnt going back into our tent because "the package" is lincolns code name we use.

"Okay is it like a new knife? Or a spear?" Bellamy asked trying to guess what this present he wasnt going to get was

"Im not telling you." i say. he pouts and turns to face the other side of the tent. "okay goodnight" i say knowing he would turn back around.

I turned to face the opposite way and felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Why wont you tell me" he whines

I laugh at how cute he was acting and just stayed quiet.

Octavias point of view

Once i woke up from my nap at lincolns he said we had to go to the camp because bellamy would come looking for me so here we are.

Bellamy came by earlier and it was so funny because lincoln had to hide under the covers and act like he wasnt there.

"Lincoln?" I ask seeing if hes awake. The blanket started moving which ment he probably was.

"I am now. whats wrong?" He finally says. I move from my spot and cuddle into his side wanting to be closer to him

"Nothing i just cant sleep." he kissed the top of my head and started rubbing up and down my back.

"I wish we could just tell my brother about you so i could just stay with you."

Lincoln sighed and said "I do to but my people would try to kill me if they thought i was becoming friends with sky people."

I looked up at him "im one of those sky people."

He smiled "no your my love." i returned the smile and kissed his lips. "try to get some rest. ill be right here if you need anything." i nodded and snuggle up to him even more trying to get more of his warmth

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