Chapter 11

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Octavias point of view

I felt a sudden pain in my stomach as a fist got connected to it. "You are one stupid girl for coming back" he said dropping me to the floor and kicking my sides.

Flash backs of Bellamy hitting me started coming back and tears started coming out of my eyes. He hopped ontop of me and started punching me in the face "leave he doesn't love you anymore. He never did" he was about to punch me once more when his hand got grabbed

"Don't you dare touch her again" lincoln says grabbing him and throwing him to the ground "you need to leave right now."

He gets up and runs.

Lincoln runs over to me and slowly and softly picks me up bring me inside

My body was numb from his kicks. I could move but I didn't want to

"Your going to be fine. I won't let him hurt you again."  I got put down on the make shift bed. he walked over getting a wet cloth to whipe the blood and dirt from my body.

"That wasn't the first time." I say in a whisper his eyes shot up "what do you mean" i looked in his eyes "that first day he came. He said to not come back. Bellamy wasn't the one not letting me leave i was just afraid. Im sorry" he kissed my lips

"Dont be sorry. Its fine i just wish you would have told me." I nodded and sat up

"No sit down." I looked at him "im fine really. I dont feel it really."

He pressed on my ribs and i flinched "no your in pain." I moved his hand from my stomach and pushed him on the ground climbing onto him straddling his waist "I didn't come to get babied i came for you and thats all i want right now. You can take care of me tomorrow but right now im fine."

He looked into my eyes "bu.." I cut him off by kissing him. "Stop worrying about me"

I pulled hi' up to me and kissed his sweet spot making him moan. "Octavia you know i love you but I dont want you to lose it this way."

I groaned and stood up walking across the room "then how do you want me to lose it lincoln" i say in a shout "i came here because i wanted you. I throw myself at you and you just denie me, just tell me why. Why don't you want me. Am i not pretty enough for you." At this point i was in full tears. He stood up and walk towards me

"Trust me i do want you. You dont know how much i want you. Your scent makes me want you. Your lips make me want you. Your body makes me want you but i want you to feel special the first time."

I turned around "you may want it to be special but it being special is just being with the person you love no matter what."

He wrapped his arms around me "babe you are so beautiful do you know that. I would want you no matter what but just think how you want it."

I turned in his arms "i want it with you. I dont care if it is here in this cave or a fancy place or in a tent. I just want it with you."

He smiled and leaned down kissing me. "Okay."

He picked me up and placed me on the bed

"You have to be sure."

I smile "i am"

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