Chapter 37

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Chris' p.o.v.

"Don't kill them, just not yet." Scarlett whispered in my ear when Seb and Pratt walked our way.

"Hi Chris, how are you?" Pratt asked me with a shy smile. I just gave him a glare in response. To be honest, I wasn't mad at them really...well not anymore.

"Where's Mel?" I asked in a cold tone.

"She's with Jason, waiting in my trailer." Seb answered. He looked not affected by my glare, maybe he knows me too well. Without another word I made my way towards his trailer.

Mel's p.o.v.

"Ok, we're already waiting for more than 15 minutes. I'm writing this down." Jason said from the couch in Sebastian's trailer. Sebastian told us to wait here for Chris, he'd come and get me but we've been waiting for almost 20 minutes now. There must be something wrong...

"What if something's wrong?" I asked Jason.

"Mel don't start panicking. He's probably on his way or he's extremely nervous and stuck on the toilet." Jason said while writing this down in his little notebook.

I sighed. "You're probably right..."

"Or he lied to us and already has another girl." Jason shrugged.

"Jason!" I yelled slapping his arm.

"Just a joke Mel!" Jason said laughing.

"It's not funny!" I stated giving him a glare.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." He said giving me his most adorable look, he knows I can't stay mad at him.

Before I could reply the door of the trailer opened revealing Sebastian. When he looked my way his expression changed into pure confusion.

"Mel? What are you doing here?" He asked completely confused.

"Waiting for Chris of course!" Jason half yelled, standing up from the couch.

"But Chris left us like 15 minutes ago to come and get you Mel." Sebastian said, still looking confused. I was right, something is wrong.

"So where is he now?" Jason asked.

"I don't know. This is strange...But don't worry Mel, we'll find him!" Sebastian said taking his phone out of pocket, typing away.

Seb's p.o.v.

Winter bear 🐻 :
Chris is missing!

Iron grandpa👴:
How's that possible?

Momma scar:
Wait what?!

Spider boy🕷:


Winter bear🐻:
He never showed up at my trailer to get Mel
She's still here waiting

Iron grandpa👴:
That's strange

Momma scar:
That's not something Chris would normally do

We need a search action
Maybe he's kidnapped

Spider boy🕷:
Or something terrible happened to him on the way to Seb's trailer

Bullet shield🛡:
Or he chickened out

What with our food?
Now we need to keep everything warm

Maybe that's why Chris fled
He doesn't want to get poisoned

You didn't just say that!

Oh yes I did

Lizzie witch:
Shouldn't we start looking for Chris instead of discussing this?

Winter bear🐻:
Good idea Lizzie

Pratt lord😎:
I'm helping too!

"Ok guys, we're going to search for Chris. You guys wait here." I said to Mel and Jason earning an answer from Mel.

"No, we're going to help you guys. If you want it or not." Mel stated in a firm voice and dragged Jason behind her, leaving the trailer. I hope I ever find a girl like Mel...

Mel's p.o.v.

Come on Chris, where are you?

"Slow down Mel! If you keep pulling like that my arm is going to come off." Jason gesturing towards his arm. I let go of him and let out a sigh.

"Look Mel maybe it's better if we split up." Jason stated making me sigh in return.

"Ok, you go left, I do the right." I said.

"Ok, see you soon. Trust me Mel we'll find him." Jason said before giving me a quick hug and running to the left.

I took my right turn arriving at the makeup area of the set. I know because Chris gave me a tour here before. Well not my Chris but the other, Pratt. I wonder if they never have problems with the names on set.

Maybe I should check inside the trailers too, you never know. Opening the first makeup trailer I saw a somewhat elderly looking woman working on some sort of wig. She smiled at me and I excused myself for interrupting.

The second trailer was nothing. The same for the third trailer. Only the fourth and last one left. I sighed and walked over to the trailer and opened the door.

And what I saw there broke my heart. I closed the door again slowly, not wanting to interrupt them. Before I knew it it I felt the first tears on my cheeks.

How could he?

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