Chapter 27-groupchat

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Seb's p.o.v.

The Jason❗️:
Guys we have another problem!

Iron grandpa👴:
We already know about that Jason

Momma scar:
And we may have a solution for it

The Jason❗️:
No, you guys don't get it
This is a new problem

Bullet shield🛡:
Again a 'new' problem
Will this never end?

Winter bear🐻:
What's the problem Jason

The Jason❗️:
Aunt Laurel

Iron grandpa👴:

Momma scar:

Bullet shield🛡:
What's so special about aunt Laurel?

The Jason❗️:
Nothing special
She's just the devil in person

Winter bear🐻:
It can't be that bad

The Jason❗️:
Believe me
It is that bad

Angry green:
This can be interesting
Tell us about her Jason

Iron grandpa👴:
Story time!

The Jason❗️:
Keeping things short
I only met her once
And I hate her

Bullet shield🛡:
And what's the reason for this hate?

The Jason❗️:
Because she hates me
Because I'm gay
But with Mel it's more complicated

Winter bear🐻:
In which way?

The Jason❗️:
I don't know
She won't talk about it

Iron grandpa👴:
Am I smelling some childhood traumas?

Momma scar:
So what's with aunt Laurel?

The Jason❗️:
She's going to visit Mel and her brother in 2 weeks

Angry green:
And normally Mel would be working
But now she is at home

The Jason❗️:

Iron grandpa👴:
That's easily solved
Isn't it guys?

Angry green:

Momma scar:

The Jason❗️:
What are you guys planning?

Winter bear🐻:
I'm curious too

Bullet shield🛡:
Me too

Angry green:
Normally we would've kept it a secret...

The Jason❗️:

Momma scar:
We wanted to invite you guys to come and stay here a few days
We have some free days so we thought that would be fun

Winter bear🐻:
Why didn't I know anything about this?

Iron grandpa👴:
Because everyone has his secret

Bullet shield🛡:
Don't worry Seb
I didn't know anything either

The Jason❗️:
I'm speechless

Winter bear🐻:
I'm speechless too
When did you guys discuss this?

Iron grandpa👴:
In our other super secret chat

Winter bear🐻:
There's an other super secrecy chat?
And we aren't part of it?

Momma scar:

Winter bear🐻:

Because it's only for the cool guys!

Winter bear🐻:
Don't tell me that clown is also part of it

Of course I am
They are nothing without me

Bullet shield🛡:
We are cool!
Or at least I am

Winter bear🐻:

The Jason❗️:
Ok guys
Mel officially loves you all

Iron grandpa👴:
We love her too

Momma scar:
Please guys remember that this is a secret for Chris
I want to see his face when Mel suddenly pops up

I want a picture of that

Angry green:
We can arrange that

Iron grandpa👴:
The Russo bros want us back on set
See you later Jasonator!

The Jason❗️:
See you later

Winter bear🐻:
I'm not needed on set yet
We can still talk!

Winter bear🐻:

Winter bear🐻:

Winter bear🐻:
Why does nobody want to talk to me?

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