Chapter 19

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Seb's p.o.v.

2 hours and 30 minutes before 'the date'

"Ok guys! I have everyone's attention?" Robert said standing on a table.

"Robert is it really necessarily that you stand on a table?" Scarlett asked from the other side of the room where she was folding napkins.

"Yes! My work people need to see me when I give my orders." Robert answered.

"Who do you call work people?" Aaron replied.

"You guys. So as I was saying..." Robert continued while pacing around on the table.

"You'll fall down if you don't watch out!" Scarlett replied.

"Never going to happen!" Robert smiled.

"I hope he falls so hard." Jeremy whispered next to me. I chuckled. He wasn't mad at me anymore but I had to agree with something. I had to help him with his 'revenge on Robert' like he called it.

"Ok everyone! We have like an hour and half to finish decorating and all that stuff. That leaves us one hour to get ready." Robert pointed at Mark who was busy with Aaron and the candles. "Mark, what's the next thing that needs to be done?"

"Let me take a look." Mark said while taking his phone. "Me and Aaron are doing the candles. Seb and Jeremy, can you help Scar with the table decorations?"

"Sure." I said.

"Next, Anthony. You need some help with the roses?" Mark continued.

"Yeah, I could use some help!" Anthony answered from the table in the corner.

"Maybe our British kitchen team could help you?" Robert said.

"Our you could do something for once Robert!" Jeremy yelled. Yeah, he's still pissed at Robert.

"I'm supervising everything! That's a really important job!" Robert yelled back.

"Ok can you guys keep quiet for once!" A very pissed Hayley stormed from the kitchen. "Me and Paul are all saving your asses in there so let us work in silence!" With that she turned around and went back in the kitchen.

"Ok, mind to explain?" I asked.

"Oh yeah this is a fun story!" Robert exclaimed happily.

"Robert, can we just concentrate on the job for now?" Mark sighed.

"Just this quick story. So you know how Mark booked this whole place for tonight, right? Well here is the fun part of the story, Mark forget to mention that we needed the people that work here. Result: we have no people in the kitchen and no waiters." Robert explained.

"And that why me and Hayley are trying to safe this date." Paul said while exiting the kitchen.

"Yeah, luckily we have Jarvis and Atwell. They are our British kitchen staff for today." Robert added.

Jeremy started laughing next to me. "This is typically us, isn't it? Like the last time we did that barbecue and we forgot the meat!" I chuckled. Yeah that was a fun barbecue.

"Just focus guys! We don't have that much time!" Mark snapped.

"Ok! Keep calm green guy. We don't want you to have an outburst here!" Robert said in amusement. We worked in silence for some time until we got interrupted.

"Paul! We're out of pepper!" Hayley yelled when she stormed out of the kitchen. I think she's going to have a breakdown like last time she tried to cook for us. That wasn't the barbecue if you're wondering, it was something else.

"Easy Hayley. I'm sure we're going to find some. Just sit down and I'll look for pepper, ok?" Paul said while guiding Hayley towards a chair.

"Ok." She breathed out. Paul quickly disappeared into the kitchen again and Scarlett gave Hayley a glass of water to calm her a bit.

"You want me to call Gwyneth? You'll have pepper enough!" Tony joked from the table he's still standing on.

That was the final straw for Hayley. She quickly took some of the candles Aaron was holding and threw them to Robert. They landed right in his face before he could react. Thanks to that Robert lost his balance and, like you guessed, he landed with a loud thud on the ground.

"Hey!" Robert yelled when he crawled back on his feet. "Stop laughing! It's not funny!"

"Oh yes. This is extremely funny!" Jeremy said between laughs.

"Told you so." Scarlett said with tears in her eyes from laughing.

1 hour and a half before 'the date'

"So Mark, how many candles are you planning on using?" I asked Mark when I was done with decorating the tables and some general cleaning.

"Like 365." He answered.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah I know, it's a bit on the low side but it's the first date. We can still get more candles for the next date!" Mark answered. I just walked away dumbfounded without saying anything.

"Get out of my kitchen!" I hear Hayley yell. I saw Anthony sprinting out of the kitchen with an angry Hayley chasing him.

"Wow easy! What happened?" I asked while holding Hayley's arm.

"I asked him to do one thing!" Hayley explained still waving dangerously with her spoon.

"What did you do Anthony?" Scarlett asked.

"I burned something. It's not that bad!" Anthony exclaimed.

"You burned the milk!" Hayley yelled and stormed back into the kitchen.

1 hour before 'the date'

"Ok guys! We have an hour left what means that we need to get the lovebirds ready! Scarlett and Hayley you are going to Mel now and Seb and Renner, you are going to Chris now." Robert told us. "Paul, you are watching the kitchen and wait for our new troops."

"Have no fear, we've arrived!" Tom exclaimed while stepping through the door followed by Chris and Chadwick.

"Great! Now Chris you're going to help in the kitchen while Tom and Chadwick are our waiters. Now everyone get ready!" Robert concluded his little speech.

"I'll try to get Hayley out of the kitchen." Scarlett said and walked into the kitchen.

"Let's go. We need to get Chris ready." I said to Jeremy and we made our way out of the restaurant.

Robert's p.o.v.

When everyone did as I told them I made my way to the back together with Mark. We didn't take the way through the kitchen because honestly, I don't know what's going on in there. And I don't want to know it either.

"So everything is ready?" I asked Mark.

"Yeah. I just need to light the candles." Mark answered. I sighed. What's his deal with those candles? They aren't that important.

"And the secret cameras?" I asked.

Mark nodded. "They are all installed so we can watch every move."

"Great! I don't want to miss anything." I smiled. This is going to be the best date ever.

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Just one look ~ a Chris Evans fanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz